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The Union of Esperanza

The Union of Esperanza describes the many townships, homesteads, mills and ranches littering the Northern bayou's of Odela. This Union pretains the end of a series of various civil war between differing Companies that vied for control over the marches of Odela, eventually forming a peace within the Union. Esperanza is occupied almost entirely of Esperanza Human, a hardy resilient folk capable to taming the swampy wilds of Esperanze.  The Esperanza people primarily worship Myrkul, god of the dead, but they do also worship Umberlee, god of the sea out of fearful reverence.     The Union of Esperanza is governed in a Corporatized Autocracy, where the wealthy Companies have near total control of the Government. The post powerful of which are the main food producers, the main firearm manufacturers, and the railroad companies. Though this tight control has meant keeping their Firearms in the hands of Esperanza citizens and out of the hands of the other races, and it has also helped in maintaining some control over their colony in The Slumbering Jungle.
Geopolitical, Country