The Singing Towers
Placed along the city walls of Paragan are several five storey towers specifically moulded to harness acoustics and engraved with flowing runes to harness and conduct magical energy. When the wind blows in certain directions the towers will sing in soft, harmonising notes. When actual music is played from the pinnacle of these towers, it is amplified tenfold.
When a spell is cast where the verbal component is sung or with a musical instrument as the material component, the caster may choose from the careful, distant, empowered or extended spell metamagic options and apply the effects to the spell. The effects of bardic inspiration are also magnified so that any ally who hears it may benefit from its boon.
When manned by the most powerful of bards, the Paraganese Muses, their harmony can even summon a formidable defensive magic known as a mythal that can protect the entire city.
When a spell is cast where the verbal component is sung or with a musical instrument as the material component, the caster may choose from the careful, distant, empowered or extended spell metamagic options and apply the effects to the spell. The effects of bardic inspiration are also magnified so that any ally who hears it may benefit from its boon.
When manned by the most powerful of bards, the Paraganese Muses, their harmony can even summon a formidable defensive magic known as a mythal that can protect the entire city.
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