Gaspard Duarte Character in Aradia | World Anvil

Gaspard Duarte

Baron Gaspard Duarte (a.k.a. The Golden Summoner)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Growing up, he was ostensibly praised for merely existing as the sole male heir of the Duartefamily. It all went to his head and he abused the family knights. He would train with an iron sword while they could only use wooden swords. If the knights training him still won the spar, even with such a glaring handicap, he would insult their chivalry. His parents never corrected him, so he grew up to believe he's a much better fighter than he really is. As an adult, he now thinks way, way too highly of himself, insulting everyone around him, and keeps tripping over his own ego, not understanding why everyone mocks his incompetence.

He gains glory for himself by stealing the accomplishments of others, abuses the people he gets those accomplishments from, especially his fiancé, Yvona, has a completely insufferable superiority complex, going into angry rants the moment someone dares to point out his flaws, and he's completely unfaithful, getting into a homosexual, adulterous tryst with Yvona's own cousin, Charles, not caring a whit how his fiancé tore herself to shreds trying to be of use to him, and trying to cage her for "being too stupid to realize her once in a life-time opportunity to be his bitch!".

Failures & Embarrassments

While Yvona was still with Gaspad, the order of Knights put up with him because at least he'd get right into the thick of battle with them and cover their backs. Gaspard only did this to hide the fact that he was stealing Yvona's credit. The moment Yvona ran off, he shows the knights his true personality, shouting orders (and insults) from the back while they fight and die to protect him and then tops it all off by grabbing the closest knight to use as a shield when a monster comes for him. And he has the gall to be shocked when the knights look at him with nothing but contempt.

Morality & Philosophy

Anything and everything that doesn't agree with his self-proclaimed superiority is the mad utterings of a total idiot.

Gaspard would stomp over his lover if said "love" gets in the way of his ambitions.

Personality Characteristics


The rest of the royal family, especially the king, are all good and decent people. He's the only one with a raging superiority complex and an irrational need to abuse the people he sees beneath him.

The driving force behind all his villainy is a deep-seated loathing for the rest of his family, because the latter are actually competent.

Vices & Personality flaws

All his villainy is spurred by the fact that he sees himself as the most worthy candidate for the throne, and absolutely refuses to believe he's not regardless of who calls him out on it or even empirical evidence of his own incompetence.

Despite being surrounded by women more competent and powerful than him, Gaspal looks down on and underestimates women only viewing them as disposable tools.

He is madly in love with himself, believes that the public should worship him as an unrivaled "genius" despite the fact that he has no talent in anything, simply because he's the king's nephew, and absolutely can't handle it when he's called out on his bad behavior, even when it's behavior he has called out on others.



"The golden summoner" due to his golden blonde hair, the fact that he dresses in gold-colored clothing, and the fact that he presents other people's summons as his own. He is no summoner. In fact, he has no magical power at all. He stole the credit for Yvona's summons to make himself a fabled "hero" and take the throne. He takes the credit for Charles' summons to preserve what little of his reputation remains after Yvona ran away.

Contacts & Relations

He originally wins Yvona over by treating her kindly, but once she was engaged to him, the gloves came off and he began to abuse her, making her more and more desperate.

He has the ability to charm and manipulate women aided by his social status and good looks. Yvona isn't the only woman he's ensnared.

He had relations with Yvona, but cheated on her with Charles, another guy, and would marry Charles if able, genuinely smitten with the guy. He's genuinely smitten with Charles, and believes it's mutual, but Tristan is merely playing him to gain the crown's influence for revenge over his Uncle, Marcello, and all of aristocratic society.


He has a habit of showing up unannounced and then expecting everyone to drop everything to make themselves ready for him.


Yvona Ashkevron


Towards Gaspard Duarte


Gaspard Duarte


Towards Yvona Ashkevron


Augustus VIII


Towards Gaspard Duarte


Gaspard Duarte


Towards Augustus VIII


Charles Ashkevron


Towards Gaspard Duarte


Gaspard Duarte


Towards Charles Ashkevron


Current Location
Young Adult
piercing blue
short, straight, blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly tanned
190 lbs


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