Yvona Ashkevron Character in Aradia | World Anvil

Yvona Ashkevron ([ee - v aw n ah, ash kev ron])

Yvona Ashkevron

The naïve Yvona was ready to do anything for her supposed loved ones. Do her best to please her father and be engaged to a tyrant while suffering abuse? Sure! Learn forbidden magics and let her fiancé take the glory? Yes! Watch him secretly embrace her cousin with passion and deride her openly? Okay- wait. What? You know what they say about the straw and the camel. She ran with nothing but the clothes on her back and a broken heart.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She has a curvy, soft physique. You can tell she lived a sheltered life.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As a child, Yvona was raised by her father, Count Marcello Askhevron, He did not care for her as a father should, and only thought of her as a bargaining chip to better the family. As a child should, Yvona craved her father’s love. She did all she could to appease him, but nothing worked, he just demanded more perfection. She learned how to be a lady and a good wife, and to manage a household and estate. She was sent to a wizard’s school for her studies but was restricted to learn only the most basic of magic, enforced by her father. As soon as she came of age, her father manipulated her into undergoing a secret ritual to earn his affection. She read from a mysterious, one-of-a-kind tome that had been in their family for generations. It was only to be used in emergencies, but her father had plans for her. This magical tome gave her the ability to use summoning magic.   Unbeknownst to Yvona, an exchange between house Askhevron and the Barony of Duarte was put in place. If Yvona used her magic to make it appear that the young lord, Yvona’s now betrothed Gaspard, was performing this rare and new magic, they would fund the Ashkevron family with endless gifts and coin.   Yvona was under the impression that the young lord truly cared for her. As always, the best way to earn her father’s and fiancé’s love was to do as she was told. She worked herself to the bone to please them all, and she was finally rewarded with affection.   One day, as she was going to visit the now recently promoted Baron Gaspard, she was walking down what Yvona thought was an empty, dark hall. Light and sound spilled out of one door that was cracked open. Inside was her betrothed with her cousin, Charles. They were in each other’s arms, whispering sweet nothings and discussing their plans of their future, including using Yvona as a surrogate to raise as their own child. The only reason that he was pretending to be with her was for her magic so he could elevate himself in the eyes of the public and to prove he was worthy of being line for the throne. There was no love towards Yvona, only disdain and disgust.   In shock, she ran. She realized all who she thought cared for her felt the exact opposite. Even her cousin Charles, who felt more like a sweet, older brother. She returned to her estate, collected what she thought was important, including the magic tome, and fled to the countryside.   Little did she know that someone had already read the book…


Tell me about your first kiss.
"?!?!?!?!?! I haven’t yet experienced such a thing!" blushes

Can you tell when someone is flirting with you?
"Would someone? I don’t believe anyone would willingly try. If they ever did, they are just trying to be nice or they have an ulterior motive."

Did you have to grow up fast?
"I did not. I was sheltered and groomed to be the wife of a Baron."


She has a noble's upbringing: taught the histories of her land, how to run a household, how to be a proper lady, and basic magic.


She is a summoner.

If you decided to settle down and stop adventuring, what kind of job would you take?
"A librarian."

As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
"I wanted to be a powerful wizard. The only problem was that I couldn’t seem to learn anything past Prestidigitation. It wasn’t until I read a book in my family’s library that I learned a secret kind of magic…"

Failures & Embarrassments

Have you ever had your heart broken?
"That is quite the tale… It was arranged that I was to marry Baron Gaspard Duarte. My father, Count Marcello Ashkevron, essentially was selling me to the baron to use my magic to make it appear that the magic was his, that it looked like a new kind of magic was discovered by him. The baron was kind and caring towards me, but it did feel a little hollow. I was willing to use my magic as he would praise my efforts. Little did I know that he was having relations with my cousin, Charles. He pretended to love me. They were going to use me as a surrogate so they could feel that they were parents together… I think that applies for having my heart broken."

Mental Trauma

When was the last time you cried?
"Not since the night I ran…"

Where do you feel safe?
"Besides next to my summons, nowhere right now…"

Do you love or hate being alone?
"I hate being alone. At least with my magic I won’t be."

What’s the last nightmare you remember having?
"It was less a nightmare and more of a memory. I had happened upon the baron and my cousin kissing in a sitting room. The hallway I was standing in was pitch black, but the light streaming from the cracked open door was bright and warm. I ran and kept running, hearing the warm nothings they spoke to each other and my father’s words demanding I do better in my lessons so the baron doesn’t lose interest in me."

Intellectual Characteristics

What’s the first thing you notice about a person when you meet them?
"A person’s height. A tall person can be quite imposing."

Are you a good liar?
"If I feel I must lie, then I prefer to not say anything at all."

Do you admit to mistakes when you make them?
"I admit them immediately so I can get the problem solved."

Morality & Philosophy

You see a huge spider in your room, what do you do?
"Oh, it’s just doing its job! I might catch it and take it outside though."

If you could go back and change one decision in the past, what would you change?
"I wouldn’t try to please my father so much…"

Do you give people second chances?
"Most people deserve a second chance… But not all."

Are you more likely to use your fists or your words in an argument?
"I would much rather talk things through. I do understand that words can become pointless…"

Do you think money can buy happiness?
"No. Happiness must be strived for."

Do you believe in destiny?
"Destiny is cruel. If you want things to go your way, you have to work hard for it."

What do you like most about yourself?
"I… I must work on myself before I can decide what I like."

What do you like least about yourself? "My gullibility."

If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today?
"I believe I would like to sit somewhere quiet and serene and just let the time tick by. However, if ex-fiancé, cousin, or father were close by… I might just give them what they deserve…"

Redemption. "This dark knowledge can be made good if it is used properly." (Good)

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Do you think you’re attractive?
"I am not. I mean, I must not be…"

What’s something you’re naturally good at?
"Learning. I can read quite fast, and I picked up my magic surprisingly easy."

What’s something you had to work hard to be good at?
"I just can’t seem to be good at any martial training, but I am more dexterous now!"

Are you a planner or more spontaneous?
"I would prefer to plan things, but sometimes things need to be done as soon as you think them. Otherwise, you may be ruined."

Can you keep a secret?
Oh, trust me, I can keep a secret.

Likes & Dislikes

Are you more of a morning person, or more of a night owl?
I love watching the morning sun rise."

Are you a cat person or a dog person?
"Must I choose?! Oh, I love them all though!"

Do you like being the center of attention?
"Absolutely not! But I would at least like some attention from those I truly care about…"

Do you enjoy getting all dressed up for a special occasion?
"I do. I enjoy wearing simple gowns and accessories, sometimes a light perfume."

Do you have a strong sense of style?
"I have a simple, elegant sense of style, but I do enjoy soft, and silky clothes."

Would you rather camp outdoors or stay the night in an inn?
"I would prefer an inn. It’s warm, there’s warm food, and a bed. I will camp outdoors if necessary, and I won’t complain about it."

Is there a food that most people like but you absolutely hate?
"Red wine. It was my fiancé’s and cousin’s favorite. Much too bitter for me."

Are you more of a hoarder or more of a minimalist?
"I am a minimalist. It doesn’t take much at all to make me happy."

Virtues & Personality perks

Are you susceptible to peer pressure?
"Sort of, but I have learned to stand up for myself and my own interests and say no."

Vices & Personality flaws

Are you a good cook?
"I am not. I did not have to until I left my family. At least my magic can help with the flavor… the texture though!"

Is it hard for you to trust someone?
"It sort of is now, but I can be gullible..."

Personality Quirks

What’s your worst habit?
"When stressed, I mutter theories to myself, sometimes connecting seemingly unconnected or random events, to explain my current predicament."

What’s your biggest pet peeve?

How do you deal with being sick; are you stoic or super whiney?
"I won’t bring up that I’m sick to anyone, but I do want to be cared for."


Contacts & Relations

Who do you look up to?
"When I ran, I stumbled into an Inn that was run by a woman. She was so strong and took no nonsense from her workers and customers. I hope to have confidence like her one day."

Family Ties

Do you want kids someday?
"I do not think that that is in the cards for someone like me. Maybe someday? But only with the right person."

Do you want to grow up to be like your parents?
"I don’t remember my mother… She was smart enough to leave when she did but left me behind. My father, however, is an extreme disappointment: drunkard, gambler, womanizer."

What did your parents expect from you when you were born?
"My mother left my father as he was a horrible person. My father expected me to be a perfect wife to the baron so that he could pay off his debts."

Religious Views

What do you think happens after you die?
"I… I don’t know. I was taught of a heaven and hell… but the people who taught me did not live up to the teachings and were using the words of their gods to justify their actions."

Are you superstitious?
"Not particularly."

Social Aptitude

Are you the kind who remembers people’s birthdays, pet’s names, and stuff?
"Absolutely! I care for those I love and love to express that!"


What do you do to feel better when you’re sad?
"Either I read a book, snack, or I summon one of my summons to cuddle with."

Hobbies & Pets

When you go to the tavern/bar, what do you order?
"When I went to that Inn and didn’t know what to get. The owner took pity on me and suggested I try mead. It was so sweet! I love it! It was so strong though! So much better than the bitter wines I would be served at the baron’s estate. I also love cheeses, fruits, and bread."


Caring, proper and polite


Yvona Ashkevron


Towards Gaspard Duarte


Gaspard Duarte


Towards Yvona Ashkevron


Yvona Ashkevron


Towards Charles Ashkevron


Charles Ashkevron


Towards Yvona Ashkevron


Yvona Ashkevron


Towards Marcello Askhevron


Marcello Askhevron


Towards Yvona Ashkevron


Current Location
Date of Birth
27th of Solara
Dusky blue
Long, wavy, mousey brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
150 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Primordial, Sylvan, Celestial


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