Cairntop Mountains


The Cairntop Mountains, located on Calimshan's western border, separate the plains and hills of the east with the vast ash deserts of the The Whispering Expanse. They offer a striking contrast to the fertile plains with their rugged and towering peaks. Despite their rugged and formidable appearance, the Cairntops are not particularly difficult to traverse compared to an average mountain range. Their slopes can be steep in some areas but are generally manageable for skilled adventurers and travelers. Caution is still advised as the terrain can be dangerous in some points. Especially on the western side of the range, which can be regularly hit by dust and ash storms. Most notable of the Cairntop Mountains is the central pass that cuts through the range. The pass serves as the main thoroughfare that facilitates travel from the Expanse to Calimshan or vice versa, and acts as a strategic route for merchants and travelers. On the eastern side of the mountains, the warm plains and hills of Calimshan are nourished by the many rivers of the mountains.

Localized Phenomena

High on the peaks of the Cairntop Mountains, there are regions where the winds seem to carry whispers and faint voices. These ethereal sounds are attributed to the spirits of ancient beings or the echoes of long-dead nations. Some believe that these whispers can reveal the truth of ancient pasts, and are studied by curious scholars and mystics.


The Cairntop Mountains themselves have a simple highland climate, with cool temperatures as you go up in elevation. At lower altitudes, the climate is mild with warm summers and cool but not cold winters. At the high peaks, the temperature becomes cold, and snowfall is common, especially during winter. The western side of the Cairntop Mountains is dominated by the Whispering Expanse. The region experiences an arid climate with hot, dry summers and mild winters. Rainfall is scarce and temperatures soar during the day and drop significantly at night. Duststorms are not uncommon, whipping up gusts of wind that carry ash and dirt particles of ash across the expanse.

Fauna & Flora

In the diverse and rugged Cairntop Mountains, there's a rich array of magical and mundane flora and fauna. In the mountains, Rockwart Root, a hardy moss like plant clings to the vertical cliffsides provides vital sustenance to the herbivores of the region. Corpsebloom flowers from the bodies of those who die on the mountain, and are known for their enhancing properties for necromancy spells. Majestic and powerful, the Stonewing Griffon are a unique type of griffon native to the Cairntop Mountains. They are known for their loyalty and are often revered as guardians, as they often live near the many tombs that dot the mountainsides.


Always standing as a bulwark between central Calimshan and the Whispering Expanse, the Cairntop Mountains have since war and death for centuries. Around 1000 AC, during the recovery from the Weeping War, the city of Faith's Bulwark was built in the pass between the mountains and stands as both a military and trade capital for the region. Orks and Ash Goblins have recently been booming in population, causing a great amount of trouble for the city.


Major Landmarks in the Region -   Both figuratively and literally a bulwark, the city of Faith's Bulwark is built in the ashy valleys of the mountain range. The city seamlessly fuses with the natural terrain, with buildings made from the local stone and timber. Narrow streets wind their way through the city, snaking around and connecting the different districts.   Located on the eastern slopes of the mountains, the Silverfall Cascades are a series of beautiful waterfalls that cascade down the rocky cliffs. The water plunges into the clear pools below, creating a mesmerizing display. The cascades are a sacred place to Sune and Shelyn, and are a known meeting place for those soon to fall in love.   A towering pinnacle stands prominently among the high peaks of the Cairntop Mountains. Dragon Peak is named for the many dragons over time that have laired there. The jagged cliffs and dangerous silhouette of the peak add an aura of mystery and adventure to the region. It is often a destination for brave climbers and treasure hunters seeking the remnants of dragon hoards.   Xiimonraavir the Devourer, the beholder of Minthrux Vale, is one of The Hakkari peripheral agents, though he does not know it. His lair, a minor hive, is situated in a tiny dell among the mountains that coincidentally blocks the passes and the easiest access to something much, much, darker. Beneath the vale is a massive subterranean complex occupied by eight other young beholders under Xiimonraavir's control and a number of enslaved human servitors.
Mountain Range
Location under
Owning Organization