The Hakkari


  While still a relatively unknown group even inside Calimshan, the Hakkari wield more power than a number of better known evil consortiums, partially due to its utter secrecy and partially due to the fact that its primary and senior members are both undead and powerful wizards. Operating mostly around Calimshan, the Hakkari control and manipulate more power of disparate sources than all the pashas of the nation.   The Hakkari's membership totals are unknown, especially because most of its agents do not know each other, or even that they work for the organization. Of those cognizant of their allies or masters, there are more than 100 vampires, ghasts, alhoon, beholders, and other evil magic-using creatures among the higher ranks of the group.   The final goal of the group is unknown, but their current objective of ruling Calimshan from the shadows has recently been set back by lucky agents of The Farisans, whom stumbled upon and unraveled a major coup and assassination attempt against the Syl-Pasha Jukhan yn Jaasima el Rhimod.   One of the primary reasons for the group's successes is its nondisclosure of information: "Secrecy means success." Most agents only know who works beneath them, and few of them are even aware that they work for the Hakkari at all, so senior members are well protected from exposure. Their agents often employ rather well-known or flamboyant pawns for their plans, who become the sole object of notoriety if caught in illegal business; besides, law enforcers are often shy to look too deeply at the levels of conspiracy surrounding any activities when well-known and well-respected figures are involved. Hakkari agents who distinguish themselves through great success are either slain or promoted higher into the group's structure to ensure secrecy. Finally, the immortality of many of the Hakkari's leaders allows them to pursue agendas that develop over long spans of time, making it exceedingly difficult for most investigators to comprehend their machinations and plots. They may use hundreds of agents, across centuries, to achieve a goal, and such moves preserve their power, their lives, and their clandestine nature.  

The Houses

  The Hakkari are lead by council under Hakkar the Soulflayer, split into 5 official houses with 2 barons each leading them. Hakkar declares the primary purpose of the group and leads it ideologically, while the Barons are active only in very small ways among the lesser members and their agents, using charms and other subtle tactics to avoid drawing much attention to themselves. Only those members within one or two ranks of the Barons even know they are part of the network, because the Hakkari's activities are widespread, subtle, and deeply entrenched, and few of their agents are aware that their various jobs fit into larger plans, which fit into grand plans, which fit into high-level agendas, serving a web of dark intelligence and black-market enterprise. The houses are as follows:   The House of the Chosen - The House of the Chosen is one of the six houses that rule the Hakkari. Filled with countless champions loyal to Hakkar, this house is lead by the Barons Nasim al Masri and Kahras, the Mummy Lord of Memnonnar (Neutral Evil Mummy Lord Sorcerer 15). Nasim has recently taken the position of baron from his father, and Kahras is the most treasured servant among Hakkar's many undead servitors in more ways than one. Most importantly, Kahras holds a lair in Memnonnar's ruins, making those aware of the legends of the area believe he is the only undead lord in the area, drawing attention away from Hakkar.   The House of Constructs - The House of Constructs is one of the six houses that rule the Hakkari. The purpose of this House is the creation of necrotic constructs, abominations and their ilk, to populate the Hakkari forces. This house is lead by the Baroness Darah (Neutral Evil Lich Necromancy Wizard 17) and Baroness Gharmala (Neutral Evil Lich Transmutation Wizard 17), two liches, stitched together in one body. The two women constantly bicker but are deadly working together in combat. They maintain the stream of construct and undead servants for the group as their main focus, using captured souls or elementals to fuel their dark work.   The House of Eyes - The House of Eyes is one of the six houses that rule the Hakkari. Filled with those who fight, live, and die by their wits and cunning, it is a tenacious and cunning force for the Hakkari. As befit its name, it is the intelligence arm of the Hakkari, gathering intel for the group. The Eyes have developed ways to extract information without words, extracting the memory directly from their mind or the minds of those related to them. Also fitting for this name is one of the Barons of the House, the Dire Beholder Jernoksir. Alongside him is a terrifying figure, the horrifying Shangalar the Black (Lawful Evil Half-Fiend Lich Enchanter 20).   The House of Plagues - The House of Plagues is one of the six houses that rule the Hakkari, the crafters of toxins and potions. Uncovered recently by the reformed Seven before their destruction, the House of Plagues also is responsible for the spread of Soulblight in Calimshan to weaken the nation. The vampire Baroness Huzala al Kehmri (Neutral Evil Vampire Alchemist 18) and her husband, Baron Kamar (Neutral Evil Death Knight Antipaladin 18) lead this house as a duo and are masters of poison and disease.   The House of Rituals - The House of Rituals is one of the six houses that rule the Hakkari. Filled with only sorcerers, necromancer wizards, and liches, referred to generally as the "Ritualists", the House of Rituals is for those of all magical skills. The house is constantly innovating and advancing the art of necromancy with new incantations and formulae, and their mastery of magic is utterly unmatched except by the Sixth House. This house is led by the some of the magical experts of the group, firstly the lich who has taken the name "Baron Starskull" (Neutral Evil Lich Wild Magic Sorcerer 20) after carving religious symbols into his skull in an attempt to quell his wild magic curse. Secondly, the dracolich Sapphirakkar the Blue Eyed serves Hakkar as a life long friend, and is one of his most trusted allies (Lawful Evil Blue Dracolich Sorcerer 16)   The House Hakkari (The Sixth House) - Usually just called the Sixth House, this group is for Hakkar's very closest servants, not in loyalty, but in connection to himself. As such, this house is filled mostly with those transformed into Ash Vampires or Ascended Blight Creatures by long term infection from Soulblight, making them utterly devoted to Hakkar as their new God. Hakkar himself leads this group as it's leader, and it's orders are final for the group.
Secret, Occult
Alternative Names
The Forgotten Houses
Notable Members