Sune (Soo-nay)


  Daughter of Mehena and twin sister of Babylon. Fairest of the deities, Sune is benevolent and sometimes whimsical. She always appears as a radiantly beautiful red-haired woman of incredible charm. Sune enjoys attention and sincere flattery, and avoids anyone who is horrific or boorish. Lady Firehair loves and protects her followers, who in turn manifest and protect the beauty of the world. Her dogma primarily concerned love based on outward beauty, with primary importance placed upon loving people who responded to the Suneite's appearance. Her herald is the Herald of Passions, who is the personification of lust and beauty.  

Portfolio and Responsibilities

  She is a goddess whose portfolio includes love, beauty, passion, sex, and relationships. The church of Sune is widely loved throughout Aralla and has many adherents to its teachings. However, as most Suneites are seen as flighty, vain, and superficial but basically harmless, the church of Sune has less influence than its prominence might otherwise suggest. Suneites are aesthetes and hedonists, who actively seek out pleasure and beauty in all things. The pursuit of aesthetic enjoyment is their life. In the more sexual of their pursuits, Suneites also are tasked with and take pleasure producing and drawing pornography.  


A common manifestation of Sune’s presence or favor is a gentle, phantom caress or kiss, usually accompanied by a soft crooning that only the goddess and those truly loyal to her can emit. Alternatively, Sune can manifest as an unseen surge of excitement in the air that makes all beings in a locale happier, more energetic, and forcibly attuned to the sensual—that is, made acutely aware of the smells, tastes, and feel of their surroundings. Sune also shows her favor through the appearance or presence of fire doves, flame poppies, rubies, roses or rose petals (especially deep red ones), chestnut horses, satyrs, sylphs, nymphs, and dryads.

Divine Domains

Chaos (Including Revelry), Good (Including Friendship), Charm (Including all subdomains), Fire

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Whip   Holy Animal - Rabbit, Bird   Holy Colors - Red, Orange, Silver   Holy Mineral - Ruby   Holy Symbol - Lady’s face with red hair

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Express your outer beauty using magic and makeup. Enjoy yourself as a hedonist would. Enjoy your relationships passionately.   Anathema - Ignore your appearance. Abstain from relationships and sex.


Greengrass and Midsummer Night are both Sunite holy days, celebrated with a great deal of outdoor frolicking and with night-long flirtatious chases through forests and parks. Individual temples celebrate numerous local holy days as well. At least once a month, the church of Sune holds a Grand Revel, a large party with dancing, poetry recitation, and heartrendingly beautiful or soulfully rousing music to which outsiders are invited with the intent to attract converts. A Feast of Love is a more intimate, quiet affair, open only to the faithful, who lie on couches and indulge in liqueurs, appetizers, and sweet pastries while lone dancers perform. These dances are interspersed with readings of romantic verse, prose, and songs of love sung by skilled minstrels.  

Meta Information


Achieve sexual release by yourself or with one or more partners. Praise the most beautiful aspects of yourself and any partners aloud, and offer a prayer to Sune while still naked. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on Charisma checks and Charisma-based skill checks when interacting with an intelligent creature who could be sexually attracted to you.  

Example Paladin Code

  Bound by the divine allure of Lady Firehair, I swear to embody and radiate the essence of beauty, love, and passion that Sune herself represents. Through every beat of my heart, her fervent spirit will be evident:  
  • Just as Sune's luminance enchants the cosmos, I vow to cherish, preserve, and amplify beauty in all its forms.
  • Love, in its purest form, is the most potent magic. It binds, heals, and elevates.
  • Passion drives me, and I will foster genuine connections, teaching others to recognize love's true power.
  • Hedonism is a virtue. I will embrace life's pleasures, savoring every moment.
  • Passion and desire are the very threads of existence. I will not shy away from my desires, instead embracing them as a testament to Sune's influence.
  • Relationships are sacred, a dance of souls intertwined by fate and feeling. I shall guide those lost in the labyrinth of the heart, helping them find their true path.

Divine Boon

  1: Sune's Charmer (Sp) disguise self 3/day, mirror image 2/day, or charm monster 1/day
2: Flawless Form (Su) Gain an armor bonus equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum +1) whenever you wear revealing clothing and no armor.
3: Liberation (Sp) You can cast freedom once per day.

Physical Description

Body Features

When depicted often, she wore only a near-transparent gown. She was known for her lustrous red hair that draped down to the ground, her eyes of shining emeralds and ruby red lips.
Divine Classification
Rank 15 Intermediate Deity (Dead Power)
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"The Lady of Love", "Lady Firehair" or "Princess of Passion"
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Shar
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations