Enchiridion of Lichdom

Description And Lore

  Said to have been written by Vecna himself, this tome, bound in the skin of angels, contains every bit of necromantic knowledge that exists. The book expands and contracts like a diseased lung when closed, and it's pages show the viewer exactly what they are looking for.  


  Aura overwhelming necromancy; CL 20th; Slot none; Price —; Weight 3 lbs.   In order to bind yourself to the book, you must read it in a room without any living creatures besides yourself for 72 hours without pause.   The person bound to this tome gains the ability to cast all spells of the necromancy school as if they were on their classes' spell list. All of the spells in this tome are divine spells, and should be treated as Cleric spells of the listed level, but they use the spellcasting DC of the caster and spellcasting ability score of the character bound to the tome's choice.   Additionally, each time a spell from the book is used the evil, necromantic energies burn through the user’s soul. The user is forced to make a Will save (DC 10 + the level of the spell on the newly exposed page) or suffer 1d4 negative levels. A reader inflicted with a number of negative levels equal to his experience level in this manner is instantly transformed into a wraith and has their physical body destroyed. An undead reader does not need to make this Will saving throw upon using a spell.   Finally, any necromancy spells he casts on his unaltered spell list (spells that are granted by the Enchiridion of Lichdom do not count) are automatically enhanced by the Maximize Spell metamagic feat, and all such spells function as if cast by a spellcaster of four levels higher than the caster’s actual level. Secondly, the caster gains the ability to channel both positive and negative energy using the channel energy as a cleric equal to his character level. If the user can already channel energy he channel energy as if he were four levels higher than his actual class level.   As well as the mechanical benefits of the tome, it also contains easy and reliable recipes and rituals to create or become any undead creature, up to and including Liches, Mummy Lords, Ghosts, Banshees, etc. These rituals are still costly but should be significantly easier than rituals found elsewhere in the world, and GM's should keep these rituals achievable if someone commits to keeping this tome. As well, this book is the only source in the world for a draught of lichdom that can affect creatures other than the creator. For example, a wizard could create a phylactery for a soul and prepare the draught to transform the drinker into a lich, and said draught could be imbibed by anyone to become a lich, not just the creator.  


Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Holder
Owning Organization