Hakkar the Soulflayer (Wizard 20/Mythic Lich 10)


  An ancient evil, haunting Calimshan from the shadows. Hakkar the Soulflayer seized control of Calimport during the Second Battle of Calimport, sometime in the 2rd century AC, declaring himself Supreme Lord of Calimshan. Although he was defeated by a group of adventurers led by a soon to be Syl-Pasha, his phylactery was kept secret by his cult, and he returned once again. Knowing directly confrontation with all of Calimshan and subsequently the world would be foolish, Hakkar gathered great evil to him and over centuries, began very slowly creeping his way into power. From stealing magical artifacts like the Mask of the Mulani Slaver King or the Enchiridion of Lichdom to creating plagues and horrible curses to damage Calimshan from the shadows, Hakkar still considers himself to be the ultimate ruler of Calimshan, and seeks his ultimate goal of total Calishite domination over the planet.
Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"The Soulflayer", "The Forgotten Sultan", "The Unmourned Prince"
Aligned Organization