Mehena (Mah-hen-ah)


  Now considered deceased, Mehena is one of the most worshiped and powerful goddesses even after her supposed death by the hands of the Tyrant Callus Starbane during the end of the Calamity. Her physical form and domain was that of the moon of Aralla (named after her), although before the Calamity and the creation of the cradle she could physically manifest in an avatar like any other god. She is thought to have been the mother goddess, responsible for being the first god among her family to have children of her own, and also as the eventual creator of humans.  

Portfolio and Responsiblities

  She held the portfolios of the moon, moonlight, and stars; space; dreams; beauty and purity; motherhood and marriage; navigation and navigators; tracking, wanderers, and seekers; diviners; good and neutral lycanthropes; and autumn. Hers was the moon's mysterious power, the heavenly force that governed the world's tides and a mother's reproductive cycles, caused lycanthropes to shift form, and drew one to the brink of madness, and back again.  


Mehena does not officially manifest, but often the presence of her Cradle creates dancing light motes known as "moondust" or "moon motes" that resemble will-o-wisps. They guide folk who are lost at night or who must travel over treacherous grounds. These moon motes may exude sparkling crystals, drops of pearly liquid that are prized by clerics of Mehena.

Divine Domains

Good (Including Friendship), Charm (only Love), Community (Including Family and Home), Darkness (Only Moon), Dream, Luck, Travel, Void (Only Stars)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Symbol - Two eyes surrounded by stars   Holy Weapon - Mace   Holy Animal - Owls, Butterflies   Holy Colors - Blue, silver   Holy Mineral - Moonstone

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Welcome everyone. Preserve families and defend the innocent. Treat everyone equally.   Anathema - Harm someone who is pregnant. Espouse misogyny. Hurt children.


Kythorn 21 - The Mystery of the Night, Holy Night of Mehena, clerics sing and dance in festivals under the light of the Cradle the night after the Summer Solstice.   Shieldmeet - The Conjuring of the Second Moon, held every Shieldmeet, is a coordinated chant at every Ekrunian temple of Mehena. This confluence of devotional energy summons the Shards, a cadre of blue-haired female planetars, to do the bidding of Mehena's terrestrial clergy for a single night--usually battling the forces of Shar. On the following dawn, the Shards elevate one moral cleric to their order.  

Meta Information


Dance in a random pattern beneath the light of the stars, trusting in the guidance of destiny. If no stars are currently visible, softly sing or chant all of the names of stars that you know as you perform your dance. Let your mind expand and turn your thoughts away from where your feet might land, allowing your steps to fall where chance wills. When the dance feels complete, cease dancing. Ponder the steps you took and the position in which you stopped, and consider what portents these subtle clues might hold for the future. Gain a +1 luck bonus on initiative checks and a +4 sacred bonus on Perception checks made to determine whether you are aware of opponents just before a surprise round.  

Divine Boon

1: Slumberer (Sp) sleep 3/day, silence 2/day, or deep slumber 1/day   2: Splendorous Ally (Sp) Once per day as a standard action, you can summon a lillend azata. You gain telepathy with the lillend to a range of 100 feet. The lillend follows your commands perfectly for 1 minute for every Hit Die you possess before vanishing back to its home on Elysium. The lillend doesn’t follow any commands that would cause it to take evil or overly lawful actions, and the creature could even attack you if the command is particularly egregious.   3: Blast of Motes (Su) Whenever you channel positive energy to heal living creatures, a shower of starry motes cascades over all of the living creatures in the area of effect. These motes do not impede vision or stealth attempts, nor do they reveal invisible creatures, but they infuse the targets with divine luck. Targets of this ability reduce any miss chance they face by 10%. In addition, when targets of this ability roll damage dice, they may treat all 1s as 2s. The motes and their effects last for 1 round + 1 round for every 4 Hit Dice you have (maximum 6 rounds). If you don’t have the ability to channel positive energy, you gain the ability to do so once per day as a cleric of a level equal to your Hit Dice (maximum 20), but only to heal living creatures. Whenever you use this ability, the beneficiaries are showered with starry motes, with the effects described above.  

Example Paladin Code

  As a paladin consecrated to the service of the celestial Mehena, I swear to embody the luminance, purity, and nurturing spirit of the moon and stars. Her celestial light guides my path, and through my actions, her legacy shall endure:  
  • Just as Mehena's stars illuminate the darkest night, I will serve as a beacon of hope, guidance, and protection to those lost in despair.
  • Motherhood and marriage are sacred, representing the intricate dance of life and love. I shall protect families, ensure the sanctity of marriage, and shield the innocent.
  • Mehena's realm is one of dreams and visions, a tapestry of what is, was, and could be. In dreams, I will seek guidance, inspiration, and revelation.
  • As the stars governs the tides and a mother's cycle, I recognize and honor the rhythm of existence. I will honor the turning of seasons, especially the time of autumn, a period of transition and reflection.
  • The purity of Mehena's light cleanses corruption and banishes shadow. I vow to combat corruption, evil, and ugliness in all its forms, especially the evil of her fallen daughter Shar.
  • Lycanthropes and those on the brink of madness are especially close to Mehena's heart. I shall offer guidance and protection to good and neutral lycanthropes, understanding the power and burden of their gift.

Unique Spellcasting Rules


Dream can be prepared as a 5th-level spell

Physical Description

Body Features

In both her avatars and her religious artwork, Mehena appeared in many forms, like the phases of the moon. One was a dusky-skinned human woman with long limbs; perfect and exquisite beauty; wide, radiant, lime-green eyes; and long, ivory-hued hair that fell to her knees. Another was an ethereal young girl of slender frame, dark eyes, and dark hair, wearing diaphanous robes colored white or resembling dappled moonlight, which trailed her "moondust" or "moon motes". A third was a matronly middle-aged woman, plump yet fair and aging gracefully, with gray-streaked dark hair.
Divine Classification
Rank 19 Greater Deity (Dead Power)
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
“Our Lady of the Stars”, “Moonmother”, or “She Who Guides”
Date of Death
2530 BC
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Callus Starbane
Place of Death
Star's End Mountain
Aligned Organization