
Lord of the Black Network

For years, Manshoon has been the lord of Zhentil Keep and leader of the Zhentarim. Completely fitting the archetype of the sly-tongued, sinister and decadent master spellcaster, Manshoon ruthlessly crushed revolts within his own ranks of the Black Network, easily slaughtered his rivals and weeded the weak out of the ranks of the young and ambitious by sending upstarts on nigh-impossible suicide missions. Hated and mistrusted by Fzoul, Manshoon manipulated him much as he did all others - remaining arrogant, untouchable in his power and faintly amused by it all.   He had contacts with many creatures, mainly beholders, such as Xarlandralath and Xualahuu, some of which held much respect and loyalty to him. For example, Xualahuu was deeply loyal to him and tried to advance the Black Network's plots.   A powerful spellsmith, he created many customized versions of normal spells. In particular, he created the spell Stasis Clone, that created an exact duplicate of any human, demihuman or humanoid creature. Its casting was not limited to the subject, and a number of stasis clones of the same subject could simultaneously exist on the same plane. The cloned being was identical to the original in every physical aspect, and retained all their memories, experience, skills and exact appearance at the time when the spell was cast. Manshoon would often modify the memories of these clones to make them loyal to him, before replacing those he despised with loyal duplicates.
Lawful Evil
Aligned Organization