Zhentarim (Zen-tar-im)


  Long believed to be a cabal of "evil wizards, priests, merchants, and rogues" out to dominate all they survey, the Zhentarim either controls something they meet, or attempts to cripple it into submission. This monolithic cartel influences trade and activities throughout Ekrune and beyond, although almost all of its strongholds are hidden throughout Chondath, overseen by the Inner Circle of the Zhentarim.   The Inner Circle of the Zhentarim includes:   At the very top, the Dark Wizard Manshoon (LE human Enchanter 20/Archwizard 5) completely fits the archetype of the sly-tongued, sinister and decadent master spellcaster. Manshoon ruthlessly rules the Zhents as their feared leader, repeatedly cloning himself and using magic to reduce his age to rule them for almost 200 years.   Second in command under Manshoon is Fzoul Chembryl (LE human Cleric of Babylon 17/Diabolist 2). Fzoul had an honest, if disgusting, faith in Babylon but was a realist and bent whichever way the wind blew.   Under Fzoul was the rest of the council, starting with the Noble Lord Orgauth (NE human Fighter 10/LE Pit Fiend). Secretly called Abarax, the lord is secretly a powerful devil, though this is known by very few in the world. It enjoys the many freedoms of its job but is slowly becoming angry at play underling to a human.   Next is the High Blade Selfaril Musmaster (NE human Fighter 20). While operating just as ruthless as being a powerful noble would require, he is not technically himself. He was secretly cloned and replaced by a brainwashed copy loyal to Manshoon, and serves normally as a Duke in Archendale.   Sememmon is next on the list (LE human Evoker 16). Unsure of himself and paranoid, he is panicked about guessing if he is a failed clone of Manshoon. As well, he is worried that if he is not, Manshoon may create a clone of him and send it against him to replace him. In all things Sememmon is desperate to hold onto power and Manshoon is quick to take it piece by piece from him.


  Since its creation by Manshoon, the Black Network sought to achieve many highly specific goals. It wanted control of major political and trade centers throughout Chondath, either directly or indirectly. It dominated trade through these places by providing goods and services illegal in most communities. To cement the control of political and economic power in several nations, it made many very close allies in churches of Dark Gods like Babylon or Goena or even taking them completely over in some areas. Finally, although more a mission statement than a goal, Manshoon vows to destroy utterly anything that stands in his way. Thus they spend much of the past two centuries in the shadows, battling enemies of their rule such as Shadowdale's lords and their heroes or Randal Morn. With the coming Dragon War, the Zhents overall have not picked a side, but several agencies and cells in the east have worked against the armies of the Dragons, even attacking cells of the Cult of the Dragon.  

Methods and Activities

  Many folk speak of the Black Network but they have no understand of how the group works or what the members even do. They simply believe the stories that Zhents are all blackhearted villains that skulk in the night. While a fair share of folk like that exist in the group, the Zhentarim operates in a far different way than you may expect for a criminal group.   The bulk of the wealth of the Zhents comes from the groups control of trade caravans and shipping companies. Most low end Zhentarim members that folk meet are ruthless businesspeople who use the Network to make better profits both by strong-arming competition or providing illegal goods (slaves, drugs, weapons, poison, etc.). All trade under the Zhentarim's watch has magical protection via standard wizard or priest guards in all caravan guards. Such troops allow the Zhent goods to arrive on time and untouched to undercut competition by availability and lowered prices (if necessary). Zhentarim caravans can, under orders from the ranking members in the group, attack and ransack other caravans for their goods (at least to prevent them from reaching their customers). In addition, murder, arson, and other acts of destructions are not uncommon tactics to use on someone interfering with Zhent business.   Other avenues used by the Zhents to gain and keep power are small terror attacks on helpless villages and remote farmsteads. Many heroes start their journeys standing up to and kicking out Zhentarim merchants and thugs who come along to steal a farmer's crop or burn down his barn so he cannot ship goods to market. Like so many bullies, the Zhents often abuse their power simply because they can. The group holds vilalges hostage, refusing to deliver goods unless provided for to excess. Examples include free room and board and other nice things at the local tavern before the Zhents allow the shipment into the town. This used to be much more popular, but the advancement of firearm technology has kept even the basic farmer deadly in groups.   The final and most insidious method of placing Zhentarim forces in control of a region is to have a Zhent wizard conjure or agitate the local monster population, forcing a major crisis. After a few days of attacks, the Zhent mage and his retinue would arrive to help defend the innocents from the monsters. Once they establish themselves, Zhents are notoriously hard to remove fully, especially if they ally with merchants or local leaders to whom money talks, giving them free reign in the area.   Wizards and Clerics alike have joined the Zhents in hopes of increasing their personal power. The primary way they gain is in access to a library of spells opens to Zhentarim members of a certain loyalty tier. They also all acquire some pretty instant political power, as spellcasters are almost always trusted to be leaders or cells or caravan guards. Finally, magic is expensive to maintain, and the pay being a major player in the Zhentarim is worth it.   The Zhentarim use many more tactics and methods, but these are the most common. Their trade runs equal to those of other major trading companies, like the Consortium, and folks tend to buy from the Zhents when in dire need of cheap or specific goods. It is said that hundreds of towns and villages across Aralla contain (or are controlled by) Zhentarim agents or accomplices.  


  The Zhentarim have access to a nearly unlimited supply of resources of all kinds. The group owns numerous smithies for weapons and armor, as well as purchasing and making magic weapons for their higher than recruit members. Money is easy to obtain working for the Network, and political influence and power is just a blackmail away. Mercenary soldiers in major conflicts are rarely part of the Network, but the Zhentarim often equip them with their own gear, usually longswords and shields or firearms.   Zhentarim wizards rarely appear without a few offensive and defensive magic items, made custom by the many wizards of the Network.
Founding Date
1029 AC
Illicit, Cartel
Alternative Names
The Black Network
Notable Members