Mask of the Mulani Slaver King

Description and Lore

  This intimidating helm bears a third eye and a golden visage, almost like an ancient burial mask. Created long before the Calamity by an ancient Mulani King, this helm seems to have a will of its own, one that is eager to serve the strongest necromancer on Aralla.  


  Aura overwhelming necromancy (evil) CL 20th; Slot head; Price —; Weight 8 lbs.   This helm can only be worn by an Undead. If a non undead attempts to wear the mask, they are targeted with the Destruction spell (CL 20, No save). While wearing this mask, the undead gains the following effects and abilities:  
  • When you deal damage using an spell or attack that requires an attack roll, you deal an extra 5d6 negative energy damage to creatures you damage and you gain an equal amount of temporary HP equal to the damage dealt (only one source of damage at a time, these hit points do not stack).
  • The wearer of the Mask gains a +8 bonus to Perception and all Knowledge skills.
  • All damage you take from positive energy is reduced by half.
  • The wearer gains the see in darkness universal monster ability, and the ability to use discern lies, nondetection, and true seeing as constant spell-like abilities.
  • Once a day, the mask can unleash a wave of dark energy. As a standard action, the wearer of the mask can create a 60 foot cone blast of energy, all non-undead creatures in this cone are subject to Finger of Death (CL and DC equal to the wearer's CL and DC). All creatures killed by this effect have their bodies turn to dust and their souls turned into Wraiths under the wearer's control. These wraiths last for 10 days and then are destroyed.


  If an undead wearing this mask sacrifices their life and is destroyed to save someone they love, the mask is instantly destroyed.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Creation Date
Unknown (Pre-Calamity)
Current Holder
Owning Organization