Nodris (Nod-ris)


  Son of Mehena and twin brother of Vecna. He is the deity of physical health and athletic prowess. Nodris’s clergy are generally itinerants who travel between sporting events, fairs, and tournaments. They carry with them small, brightly-colored portable shrines in the form of wooden podiums, usually with a place for depositing donations. While at these competitions, priests treat sports injuries, and make sure that events are run as cleanly as possible. They also provide minor healing to adventurers for free, providing they regale them with stories of their brave and just accomplishments, or beat them in a test of strength. His herald is the Lord of Strength, shining beacon of physical fitness and righteous attitude.  


  He is god whose portfolio includes competition, athletes, bravery, sporting events, and self improvement. Nodris strongly believes that competition is healthy, as long as all the participants are playing by the same rules. He detests cheating, seeing it as a sign of moral defect. He encourages mortals to challenge themselves and push beyond their comfort zones, hoping to inspire greatness and the setting of even higher goals. The Strong Man also teaches how not to be a sore loser, as well as how to be a graceful winner. Among his most fanatic worshipers are Darechasers, elite athletes who are adept at channeling adrenaline to overcome physical trials and adversities.  


Surges of physical strength could be seen as a sign of his favor, as well as quick recovery from pain and tiredness. His disfavor is shown with feelings of weakness or soreness.

Divine Domains

Glory (including Heroism, Honor, and Legend), Good, Healing (including Restoration), Strength (including Competition, Fist, and Resolve)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Javelin   Holy Animal - Horse   Holy Colors - Gold and White   Holy Mineral - Gold, Silver, and Bronze   Holy Symbol - Flexing Bicep

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Compete in physical events and competitions. Exercise and keep a healthy diet. Challenge yourself in your daily life.   Anathema - Cheat in a competition. Throw a fit or be a sore loser.  

Meta Information


Find the nearest boulder, log, or other unattended object that you can reliably lift over your head, and hold it up high for the duration of the obedience while meditating on the ennobling nature of sports and tests of physical might. If you are interrupted at any time by any creature or person, you must challenge your interrupter to a contest of strength, speed, or stamina, with the boulder or another object of your obedience used as the main focus of the competition. Regardless of who wins, you gain a +2 sacred bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks.  

Divine Boon

1: Holy Strength (Sp) enlarge person 3/day, bull’s strength 2/day, or rage 1/day
2: Coordinated Escape (Su) You and your allies know it is better to flee and live to continue the fight another day than to die honorable deaths that accomplish nothing. Three times per day as a standard action, you can shout an inspirational command that affects you and any allies within 60 feet for a number of rounds equal to your Hit Dice. During this time, affected characters can use the withdraw action to move up to triple their base speed (instead of up to double their base speed).
3: Break the Anvil (Su) You don’t believe it is enough to shame your enemies by relieving them of their weapons—if possible, you must shatter those weapons so they can never again stand against you. Once per day, you can perform a disarm or sunder combat maneuver with a +4 competence bonus against an adjacent creature and a weapon it holds. If you succeed, the creature’s weapon is simultaneously damaged and disarmed, as though you had succeeded at both combat maneuvers simultaneously. If you exceed the target’s Combat Maneuver Defense by 10 or more, the target drops the items it is carrying in both hands, but you only sunder the weapon you initially targeted. If you don’t have either the Improved Disarm or Improved Sunder feat or a similar ability, this attempt provokes attacks of opportunity as normal; however, if you have one of the feats or a similar ability, this attempt does not provoke attacks of opportunity.  

Paladin Code

Paladins of Nodris are jovial but firm in convictions, and brook no cheaters or liars.  
  • Fairness and good sportsmanship are testaments to one’s virtue. I must set the finest example of what it means to be sporting and noble in challenges of strength and honor.
  • A challenge that is won unfairly is not a challenge won. I am no cheat, and I will lose any contest of brawn, honor, or mettle rather than resort to knavery or trickery.
  • Frauds have no place among true competitors. In contests of import and high-stakes trials, I will unrelentingly reveal the untruthful and deliver them to their proper justice.
  • Winning and losing are two sides of the same coin, and both are worthy of acknowledgment. I treat champions with respect, but honor losers for their courage and willingness to challenge themselves.
  • I respectfully seek tutelage from my betters, give honest guidance to the less accomplished, and cherish most of all my friendships with rivals whose skill matches my own.
  • Every day is a contest to better oneself, and every deed undertaken is an opportunity to condition my allies and myself for the trials ahead.

Unique Spellcasting Rules


Expeditious Retreat can be prepared as a 1st-level spell Jump can be prepared as a 1st-level spell
Divine Classification
Rank 8 Lesser Deity
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
“The Strong Man” or “The Lord of Sporting”
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations