The Summer Fields


  The Summer Fields is an unbiased paradise existing between the two extremes of Lawful Good and Chaotic Good. The Summer Fields is a sanctuary and a place of respite for all who seek redemption or illumination. It‘s native agathions have willingly postponed their own transcendence to guard the plane’s enigmas, while celestial beings fight the forces of evil across the planes. The Fields are a realm of rolling fields, lush forests, deep blue seas, tall mountains, and hidden valleys. Its pastoral wilds are home to intelligent animal petitioners, animalistic agathions, shining angels, and other creatures of pure good. The plane holds mysterious secrets to higher states of existence, and pilgrims and inhabitants alike seek to explore and unearth those mysteries through their interactions on the plane.  

Planar Traits

  • Divinely Morphic: Deities with domains in the Summer Fields can alter the plane at will.
  • Gravity normal
  • Time normal
  • Realm immeasurable
  • Structural lasting
  • Essence mixed
  • Alignment strongly good-aligned
  • Magic enhanced (spells and spell-like abilities with the good descriptor) and impeded (spells and spell-like abilities with the evil descriptor)

Denizens of the Summer Fields

  Agathions - Agathions are a race of beast-aspect outsiders native to the plane of the Summer Fields. Though the Summer Fields is a place of rest where blessed souls seek enlightenment, agathions are aggressive and interventionist in the mortal world when it comes to dealing with evil. Created from the souls of good mortals who have managed to achieve the enlightenment they sought in life (or in some cases, after death), agathions embody the principles of a peaceable kingdom while marshaling their strength to defend that kingdom from any who would despoil it. Because they strike an ethical balance between the chaotic, feylike azatas and the lawful, rigid process of the archons, agathions are often liaisons between the celestial races, soothing hot tempers and working toward mutual goals of vanquishing evil and protecting good.   Foo Creatures - While foo dogs and foo lions are the foo creatures most commonly summoned to the Material Plane to serve as guardians, foo creatures that correspond to every animal in existence dwell in the wilds of the Summer Fields and are the most common ascended form of a typical cleansed petitioner. In the Summer Fields, foo creatures are far less serious than they are on the Material Plane, and they frolic and play with any who would join them, even those whose ordinary animal would naturally be their predators. Foo creatures are eager to help any agathion who asks for assistance and typically extend this spirit of cooperation to other visitors, provided those visitors treat them with kindness and respect.   Empyreal Lords - Empyreal lords are embodiments of transcendent multidimensional virtues that mortals attempt to encapsulate with words and philosophies familiar to them. Each empyreal lord is a paragon of a particular celestial race—in the Summer Fields, native empyreal lords are either agathions or angels, but their interests and areas of concern vary greatly.
Dimensional plane
Additional Rulers/Owners