

  Razmir, the self proclaimed living god of Razmiran, claims to be the new god of the human race, but is spurned by most other major religions. Though his true origins are shrouded in mystery, his charismatic aura, exceptional abilities, and a incredibly loyal cult of followers have allowed him to establish his rule. Razmir claims to have mantled Mehena, and taken the remaining pieces of her divine spark. Whether this is true or not isn't confirmed, but many of the gods have denied that this is possible. Razmir promotes absolute obedience and unwavering loyalty from his subjects, considering disobedience or dissent as blasphemous acts against his supposed godhood.  

Divine Domains

Community (including Home), Evil, Law (including Judgement, Loyalty, Slavery, and Tyranny), Magic, Protection (including Defense and Purity), Trickery (including Deception and Greed), Void (including Stars)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Quarterstaff or Heavy Mace   Holy Animal - Serpent   Holy Colors - Deep Purple, Gold, and Black   Holy Mineral - Onyx   Holy Symbol - White Mask  

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - The highest virtue is obedience to Razmir, pursue luxury and material wealth for your community, uphold the laws of Razmir, wear the symbol of Razmir   Anathema - Disobey Razmir or his priests, betray the cult itself, question Razmir or his power, pursue individual needs over that of the religion
Divine Classification
Rank 4 Demigod
Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"The Living God", "New God of Man"