Swords of the Moonlady


  The Swords of the Moonlady, commonly called the Lunatic Guild, are an extremist fanatical knight order devoted to Mehena. They are an order led by clerics, occult casters, and psionic casters. Their actions were widely regarded as strange and eccentric, and people thought them mad, hence their nickname, "Lunatics". They were wild and joking and treated battle as a fun game. They carried weapons, but might not use them, instead fighting unarmed. They seemingly enjoyed creating havoc. They were utterly unpredictable in their tactics, but not without purpose—they might suddenly jump out of a window, but then use telekinesis to drag their foes out with them. However, when the Swords of the Moonlady responded to threats from the goddess Shar, they acted swiftly, logically, and ruthlessly. These zealots were ready to die for their faith, even being viewed as suicidal by the mainline church of Mehena.  


  The Lunatics were known to dress all in white, with pants, vests, boots, gloves, and long flowing cloaks. They also wore all-covering cloth masks, with only eyeholes to show their features and symbols of the moon in silver on their foreheads.
Religious, Holy Order