The Janessar


The Janessar were active in loose collections of small groups of between four and twelve. These groups always included skilled warriors and riders—fighters, priests, and crusaders. The Janessar included a good number of escaped slaves who continued the cause that freed them. Because they did not gather together in large numbers outside of their enclaves, their total numbers were hard to estimate. Janessar enclaves were controlled by a captain or lord who was often a cleric of one of the members of the Triad.

Public Agenda

In general, the Janessar sought for the betterment of the common folk of Calimshan. This most often involved the rescuing of travelers from bandits and the freeing or protection of slaves. Under threat of violence, they would often ride into Calishite plantations and demand that owners better treat their slaves, and they would attack slave caravans, freeing those held captive. Naturally, the syl-pasha and his government hated the Janessar and sought to destroy them.

Seeking out those in need of the Triad’s touch.

Founding Date
Secret, Brotherhood