Ordum (Or-doom)


  Son of Mehena and twin brother of Krymera, he is worshiped by guards and paladins both, long being seen as a cold and focused deity who impartially took the role of defender and sometimes also enforcer. He is credited with the ordering of the home planes of Aralla’s gods, and is seen as the judge of the gods and the creator of the first ever prison on Aralla. He is the guardian of the way to The Silver Mountainside, and is close allies with his brother Cehbris, as he opens the way for Cehbris to take passed souls to heaven. Ordum also considers himself a great ally of his older brother Harrus, although the clergy of the two gods rival each other often about means of punishment and rehabilitation for those who break the law. He had a daughter after the Calamity, spawning the god of slavery and domination, Xaanke. His herald is the Vigilant Protector, a powerful mechanical guardian who stands over Axis as it's chief guard.  

Portfolios and Responsibilities

  He is a god who’s portfolio includes guardians, protectors, law, imprisonment, watchfulness. His dogma teaches that you must never betray your word, to be vigilant and stand, wait,and watch carefully. To always be fair and diligent in the conduct of your orders. To protect the weak, poor, injured, and young, and do not sacrifice them for others or yourself. To anticipate attacks and be ready, as careful planning always defeats rushed actions in the end. He teaches to always obey orders, providing those orders follow the dictates of Ordum, in order to demonstrate excellence and purity of loyalty in your role as a guardian and protector.

Divine Domains

Law (Including Inevitable, Loyalty, Judgement, and Legislation), Strength (Including Resolve), Protection (Including Defense), Nobility (Including Leadership), Retribution

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Bastard Sword/Pike   Holy Animal - Dog   Holy Color - Grey   Holy Mineral - Iron   Holy Symbol - An open eye with a star instead of a pupil with a blue outline painted on the palm of a left-hand gauntlet.

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Strive to maintain law and order. Stand ever alert against corruption. Question unjust laws by suggesting improvement or alternatives, not additional laws.   Anathema - Fail in your duty. Commit crimes or break just laws. Take bribes.


Ordum's followers celebrated Shieldmeet every four years by reaffirming their oaths of service and solidifying other commitments for others.  

Meta Information


Pray while holding a heavy shield over your head for an hour. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on Strength checks and Strength-based skill checks.  

Divine Boon

1: Lawful Bulwark (Sp) shield of faith 3/day, shield other 2/day, or archon’s auraUM 1/day
2: Unflagging Ally (Sp) Once per day as a standard action, you can summon a zelekhut inevitable. You gain telepathic communication with the zelekhut to a range of 100 feet, and the zelekhut follows your commands perfectly for 1 minute for each Hit Die you possess before vanishing back to its home. The zelekhut doesn’t obey any command that would violate its lawful alignment—such commands are met with grim refusal, and could even prompt the zelekhut to attack you if the command is egregious enough.
3: Dictum Blow (Su) Once per day, you can channel the effects of dictum through your weapon, though you don’t need to cast (or even know) the spell. You must declare your use of this ability before rolling your attack. On a hit, the target is affected as if caught in the area of dictum as cast by a cleric of a level equal to your Hit Dice (maximum 20). If the target is lawful or its Hit Dice exceeds yours, it is unaffected. If your attack misses or the creature is unaffected, the dictum effect is wasted.  

Example Paladin Code

  Under the unwavering gaze of Ordum, the Guardian of Aralla's planes, I swear to stand steadfast, a beacon of law, order, and protection. Through my actions, decisions, and very being, his stern dedication will manifest:  
  • As Ordum stands sentinel over the Celestial Staircase, I vow to be the shield that guards the realms of the innocent.
  • The laws and codes I follow are not mere words, but the very fabric that binds society. The weak, poor, injured, and young shall find sanctuary under my watch, never sacrificed for any cause.
  • My word, once given, is unbreakable. Loyalty is not blind obedience, but a conscious choice to serve a just and noble cause.
  • Preparedness is the key to triumph. I will not be taken by surprise, for I am always alert, always waiting, always ready.
  • Even in the stern application of the law, compassion and fairness are paramount. Rehabilitation and punishment must be balanced, striving always for a harmonious society.

Physical Description

Body Features

In most religious artwork, Ordum is shown always wearing a full suit of armor including helmet, that represented the weight of his heavy responsibility. He is often shown standing guard at the top of a staircase, with one hand outstretched to stop intruders, and the other clutching a bastard sword or halberd.
Divine Classification
Rank 18 Greater Deity
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
“The Watcher”, “The Vigilant One”, or “He of Unsleeping Eyes”
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations