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Below is a short summary of the available classes and their possible origins on Aramanth.  


Of the various classes, Barbarians might be the ones most willing to brave the dangerous wilds outside the cities. The nomadic tribes in the Ragged Valley are well known for their barbarian warriors, each bearing the mark of the gigantic Guardians they worship and travel with. The Dwarves of Kduur have a long legacy of battle-ragers, trained from childhood to face the aberrant monsters of the wastes without fear. And the land of Stralk sends forth many barbarians to slay and capture, all in the name of the Red God.  


Bards can be found across all of Aramanth, for many walk the lonely roads between settlements in search of treasure, tek, adventure, or often all three. The free and open cultural spirit of The Karnos Republic has produced some of great bards of renown, though many of the Arkist Speakers are trained in bardic persuasion as well. But above all, the Bardic Colleges in Nessus, capital of the Commonwealth, still produce the most well known and well traveled of the world's bards.  


Faith permeates all of Aramanth, though it can take on many and varied forms. Karnos with its Animistic tradition holds almost as many temples as it does fighting pits and debate halls, though none can claim to be more fervent than the priests of Arkveil, who pull those to their mission of rebuilding a lost void ship to leave Aramanth altogether. The Thaden dwarves are especially pious towards their ever-living, undead ancestors. And with good reason, each and every one of them hopes to one day join their ranks on their own passing.  


On a world as alien and dangerous as Aramanth, Druids require great skill and patience to successfully commune with the land. Without a doubt Lostray has the most experience with this, their culture built around working as equals with the spirits of land, animal, and machine. The small anarchic communities of Monika also produce adept Druids, though their relationship with the Valley and it's dangerous guardians is notably more antagonistic.  


Violence is an intrinsic part of daily life on Aramanth, and there is no shortage of warriors to provide it. The Karnos Republic is famous for its mercenary companies who take missions the world over to fights aberrant creatures and fellow men and women alike. For disciplined, supremely trained soldiers, few can match the hobgoblin armies of Dunlaw. Their centuries-long foes from Stralk, however, happily pit their savagery and cunning against hem, however.  


On Aramanth there are three known traditions of monastic teaching. The first, the Way of the Iron Mind, was used by the Hobgolbins of Dunlaw to break the bonds of their mental slavery. The Stoneheart Path was developed by the Kduurian dwarves to better withstand the ravages of the wastelands, and the Black Hand Tenants were penned by the undead philosophers of Thaden, who have spent centuries honing their craft.  


The Exultism and its derived faiths are where most Paladins on Aramanth hold fealty. Exultist Paladins from the The Eternal Commonwealth are steeped in millennia of ritual and structure their lives upon the teachings of the Hierojules themselves. Lionist Paladins venture forth with passion and conviction, more concerned with bringing aid and succor to those in need than in granular precepts of rightful action. Naldonia Paladins, however, arise from the twisted Zanist heresies, and are labeled Blackguards by most other faiths.  


Psions can be found across Aramanth, more inclined to seek greater understanding within themselves than without. This still leads many to greater research into tek, however, as it is often many Psions attained their powers in one way or another through such devices. Gnome Psions are common, their powers supposedly arising from the bleeding into reality of their very dreams. The Maginatrix Confederation holds a great number of psions of all races, for while the Acadamy doesn't explicitly train Psions themselves, many come to increase their understanding of the deep field that they so often manipulate through will alone.  


Much of a Ranger's life is spent learning how to survive in the dangerous wilds where the land and even the laws of reality can be incredibly unpredictable. To choose such a dangerous life, Rangers tend to be incredibly brave, determined, or foolhardy, and sometimes all three. Lostray has probably the most experienced Rangers on Aramanth, as their training by the druidic elders there leaves them more capable than most to deal with the dangers of the wider world. It is not uncommon to find halflings finding themselves in the roles for both their innate bravery and luck both serving to keep them alive.  


Whether they're plying their trade in the densely populated cities or delving into inscrutable ruins, Rogues have a talent for finding their niche wherever they are. Nessus, the world's largest city, has a number of thieves guilds, some with histories dating back millennia and many with satellite operations in other cities and diplomatic and economic weight rivaling powerful independent communities. Naldonia has an incredibly well trained organization of spies and assassins it uses to acquire ever more powerful tek for their messiah's continual transformation. Above all, Kduur, Arkveil, and The Maginatrix all value rogues for use in their expedition organizations tasked with finding and securing lost caches of tek for their respective nations.  


Sorcerers are unique to Aramanth in that their magical power comes not from manipulations of the deep field or from tek or iron flesh implants in their body, but from magic infused into their very soul. Elves and Dragonborn are the most common beings to be born with such magic within themselves, though since the Voidgate War it is not uncommon for other races to be born this way as well--elven experimentation on both the people and the land has left their essence infusing both. Of the spellcasters, Sorcerers are the least likely to belong to an organized group, instead tending to prefer to operate alone or in smaller bands. Many well-known sorcerers are mercenaries or, in some cases, tyrants over small towns of groups of communities.  


Warlock is a cath-all term for those who have manifested power through the patronage, pact, or possession by other entities of great power. Most often this is some entity existing within the deep field, of which there are an inumerable number. On occasion such power might come from elsewhere--it is not unheard of for servants of the Exultist deist known as the Pancreator to provide powers to individuals (though, strangely enough, rarely to followers of the Exultist faith themselves...). Many gnome warlocks claim to garner their power for the ephemeral dreams of the slumbering ancients, though this is ultimately unverifiable. More rarely is an elf, one of the few still loyal to their God-Empress and left stranded on the Aramanth side of the Void Gate after its destruction, able to reestablish the link with their divine queen and pull some of her twisted power down into themselves.  


Wizards are undoubtedly the most common spellcaster on Aramanth. It is a term placed upon any individual who commits their lives to the study and manipulation of the deep field. That said, it can cover a wide array of skill levels and ambitions. A Magister content to be born, live, and die on Astronel may know a few base manipulations of the field, while a Grand Inquisitor from Naldonia might be several hundred years old and know the means to levitate mountains. All tend to be unified in their study of either tek, the deep field, or the wider lore of the Ancients.


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