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Faiths and Domains

Faith is a varied thing on Aramanth. The isolation between communities means belief and worship falls upon a wide spectrum on Aramanth. There are massive, continent-spanning organized religions, like Exultism or Arkism, but there is also a multitude of smaller traditions involving the worship of local beings both physical and ephemeral. One community may give offerings to a massive being that lives at the bottom of lake, while others have holy priests who receive holy visions from entities in the void.   Most forms of magic derive from the The Deep Field, either through its access, manipulation, channeling, or from the innumerable entities and intelligences that inhabit it.   Divine magic also arises from the Deep Field. It could be gifted to an individual by a powerful being in the field, or generated internally through mental focus that allows one to tap into it. Perhaps there are machines implanted by a metallic god that allow one to access and manipulate the field through the rituals they are taught.   All are possible for clerics and other divine spellcasters on Aramanth. Below is a list of the major faiths on Aramanth, and the domains associated with them. Note that this is not an exhaustive list, there are many smaller faiths, even individual ones, that could grant any of these domains as well.  


The largest organized religion on Aramanth, Exultism has temples to the Exulted Trinity across both continents, with adherents from all races. It is a faith many millennia-old with hundreds of accepted sects and thousands of holy texts from priests, saints, martyrs, and scholars.   Worship within Exultism revolves around the Exulted Trinity: The Life-giving Pancreator, The Blazing Spirit known as the Increate, and their unified incarnated vessel is known as the Conciliator.   Domains Knowledge, Light, and Order  

Church of the Resurgent Flame

Church of the Resurgent Flame, referred equally as the Flame Church or Faliarists after the faith's messiah, arose in the decades after the Voidgate War. It worships the elf Faliara who led a group of elves to turn on their empire and goddess to protect the province of Lionen when it had been abandoned by the Commonwealth.   The church teaches that it was through the gift of pain imparted by the angelic Hierojules that Faliara was able to see the atrocities committed by her people. She convinced many of her kind to join her in rebelling against the Novagleam empire to defend Aramanth. In the final days of the war, Faliara gave her life to seal away the portals giving the elven empire access to the world, her body consumed in a halo of flame that took both her and the elven general overseeing the invasion.   Faliara's bloodline rules the Nation of Lionen still, where the Flame Church is most prominent. They believe that Faliara will be reborn one day from the flames that once consumed her, and on that day she will take her place as leader of her people.   Domains Life, War  


The Arkist church is unified in their worship of the ancient and powerful spirit that once possessed the void ship Ark, which carried the first humans across incalculable stretches of space before crashing upon Aramanth after a battle with an Orcish armada.   Ark persists in its power and wisdom, and through its Speakers and the nation of Arkveil it preaches that the Paradise it had committed itself to taking its people to still exists far out in the void, and that the destiny of the Aramanthian people is to unify and rebuild the Arkship so that their holy journey may continue.   To that end, proponents of Arkism search the world over for tek and lore that can be used in the Grand Project to rebuild Ark and escape their turbulent existence on Aramanth; if not in this life, then in the next with their minds and souls stored within Ark's limitless expanses.   Domain Knowledge, Life, Arcane  

Lorstray Animism

The people of Lostray hold the belief that all things in existence contain a spirit, be it animal or person, stone or machine. They do not see these spirits as either above or below them, but equals within their space of existence.   To that end, Animist Priests seek to maintain harmony and balance with the spirits that inhabit the sprawling Ba-Adenu Forest. This is a continual process requiring great skill and patience, but results in an attunement with nature and the elements unparalleled on Aramanth.   Domains Nature, Tempest  

Talamism (The Ancestor's Path)

The Dwarves of Aramanth follow a faith involving the worship of and communion with their ancestors. Through the generations, even when they lived under Commonwealth rule, the dwarves held close to their covenant, often upholding the tenants of exultism while also maintaining shrines to the most esteemed patron ancestors of their house.   Dwarven duties involve aiding their dead in their journeys as risen again Silent Ones and committing their time and resources to the Birthing Temples from which new dwarves are born.   Domains Forge, Grave  

The Ebon Path

Not all dwarves hold to the Ancestor's Path. The dwarves of Thaden eschew the worship of their dead ancestors--in fact, they eschew a final death all together. At least until time withers them away to oblivion.   Thaden dwarves have developed a method to alter the mechanisms imparted into them from their rise from the Birthing Temples. Normally these mechanisms bring a dwarf's body back as a semi-sentient Silent One, but for the dwarves of Thaden, they revive as sapient undead, ruling over their living descendants and being worshipped in waking unlife.   Domains Death, Death  

The Magisters Communion

The Magisters who rule the Maginatrix Federation are equal parts curious and practical. While most of their time and research is spent in furthering their understanding of tek and the deep field from arcane and psionic viewpoints, they understand the power of belief. With that in mind, the Magisters formulated a dogmatic philosophy based on their tenets with which to hone their minds along a divine path.   To that end, the magisters brought forth--and in some cases created--beings from the deep field with which they can commune and hone these aspects of their minds. The precepts of the Communion state that tek exists to serve and better the lives of all peoples, and it is their duty to seek out and understand these ancient artifacts. It is these acts that impart in the Magisters the right to rule their cities, but it is only the consent of the governed which allows them to maintain that right.   Domain Arcane, Order  

The Ephemeral Cloak

A philosophy developed over millennia by the gnomes, Those of the Cloak believe that reality exists as a thinly held together patchwork rising from the dreams of the Ancients. Existence is malleable, and all that matters is shifting chaos that one rides in till they drown in it.   This is not a statement of dispair, but one of freedom. Those of the Cloak believe themselves free to live their lives to their own expectations and desires, not the ones placed upon them by anyone else. When thought can rehshape reality itself, then everything is simply a matter of perspective.   Domain Trickery, Arcane  

Karnosian Animism

The Karnos Republic is host to not so much a unified religion, but a cadre of smaller faiths as diverse as the opinions of its people. Most cities have large temples to a deity that is little known outside of their local area, one that often rivals the local Exultist Cathedrals.   This diverse array of faiths is held together by a belief that one's system of faith should not preclude two people from being siblings in arms, and any conflict in belief that can't be settled with a good debate or fistfight isn't a productive one to hold.   The largest of the many faiths in Karnos is the one to Skarla the Dread Scorpion, an ancient Orcish religion. A faith that long ago involved the sacrifice of sentient beings and the mass waging of war is now accomplished with those of animals followed by communal feasts and games of strength and speed.   Domains Any  

The Iron Mind

Hobgoblins were once mindless slave armies of the elves, created through magic to serve as fodder in their conquest of Aramanth. Lorstrayan mystics planted the first seeds of freedom and, ultimately, rebellion into them, and these seeds would slowly germinate into the Way of the Iron Mind.   The Iron Philosophy involves a stitch regimen to maintain one's mental acuity and personal control. It advocates an ordered hierarchy of society and the efficient and effective administration within it. While individual action is structured through a society's hierarchical lens, the individual is free to form a life within this structure to their own liking.   Domains Order, War  


Within the Ragged Valley are the communities of the Monikans, a group drawn from almost every nation and people. What unites the Monikans is Unity, a phenomenon created by strange obelisk-like antenna in the Ragged Valley and permanently alter them.   Monikans possess the ability to sense the emotions of other Monikans, and during certain events are even joined in a collective consciousness with one another. While unsettling to some, this provides and incredible strength to the Monikan's psyche and community. It can leave some attuned to the flows of the deep field in powerful ways, as well.   Domains Life, Light  


Zanism is a derivation of Exultism that has take a path divergent enough, and dark enough, that it has caused the excommunication of its founder and anyone who chose to follow it as well as several wars between the Commonwealth and its previous province, Naldonia.   Zanism teaches that Zanathane is the still living incarnation of the Conciliator, that all not of the faith are below consideration outside of practical or personal uses, and that adherents are meant to transcend their mortality through use of tek and claim the powers of the Ancients themselves.   Outside of Naldonia, Zanism is practiced by an organization of collaborating sects known as Cabals that work to acquire useful tek by any means neccessary.   Domains: Trickery, Knowledge, Arcana  

The Crimson Pact

The Red God is not a God of mercy, of bounty, or of peace. He was formed from the chaos and death of a nation, destroyed in an instant through powerful elven sorcery. From their blood and corpses he arose, and in that moment gave the wounded and dying survivors a choice. Perish in that poisoned land, or serve him and survive in strength and slaughter.   The Red God is worshiped exclusively by the people of Stralk, a barren, poisoned nation exists to fuel the Red God's hunger for blood and death. He cares little for worship or devotion--he seeks only sacrifice. Sacrifice from his people, and sacrifice of those they have captured in his name.   Domains War, Trickery


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