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Kuno grew up on the road. His parents were merchant-traders of Uns'Shenzhou, a Convoy Community that once plied the treacherous border between the Commonwealth and the Karnos Republic, trading in tek and resources. (By way of further background: the Uns'Shenzhou are loose descendants of the original starship crew for a freight-support ship called the UNS Shenzhou that crashed on Aramanth millenia ago.) From a young age, Kuno learned the lore of his people, with stories of technological marvels that could move mountains as one might push a wagon. Kuno also studied the art of psionics with his grandmother, who claimed to have inherited the gift from the convoy's original members. This community is now but a sad memory for Kuno.   The borders of the Commonwealth, always treacherous, became increasingly deadly after the Amorphous Fields formed. The Uns'Shenzhou eventually fell to brigands in a raid that hit when the Comm was at its weakest. Kuno's family escaped, fleeing across the desert wastes until they found refuge in a small comm called Warrant. There, Kuno's parents quickly established themselves as merchants.   Kuno always found the border comms to be stifling compared to the adventurous and inquisitive life on a convoy. Warrant was downright oppressive. The comm was ruled by a narrow-minded, self-proclaimed Exultist priest who claimed to have a direct connection to the Trinity. This priest, Comstock, had taught the comm that those with powers -- "nanos" -- were "void-touched" and that their presence would attract demons from the wastes. The people of the comm, while generally friendly, were small minded, ignorant of the wider world, and fanatically devoted to Comstock's teachings. Their only saving grace was that they produced the most delectable teas, which Kuno came to love. When Kuno reached adulthood and began manifesting his psionic powers, his parents responded by teaching Kuno to repress and conceal those powers through mediation and discipline.   Kuno's parents eventually passed away, leaving to him their general store and a few family heirlooms. Kuno managed the store and, for a time, thought he would live out the rest of his life within the comm's walls. That changed one day when the comm was attacked by beasts from the wastes -- large lizard-like creatures that were capable of leaping over the comm's walls and shrugging off the comm's spears. Fearing for his life, Kuno let loose his power in a thunderous, telekinetic wave, pulverizing one of the beasts and causing the rest to flee. Immediately following the battle, the comm quickly turned on Kuno. Comstock loudly accused Kuno of pacting with void demons for his powers and, in doing so, inviting ruin upon the comm.   Kuno's attempts at defending himself fell on deaf ears, and Comstock called for Kuno to be burned. Many of the comms members -- who had known Kuno since he was a child and had respected Kuno's parents -- refused. But two of the younger comms, loyal to Comstock and armed with crossbows, followed their orders and attacked Kuno. Kuno slayed them both in self-defense and fled.

Greying black hair and sharp features. Kuno's relaxed demeanor barely conceals an inner storm.

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