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Orcs, like Humans, are not native to Aramanth. Also like Humans, they arrived upon the planet with the violent crash of their void vessel. There are legends this occurred as part of a grand battle between the ships of the orcs and humans, but after so many millinia the tale has faded and distorted into obscurity. It is known that for thousands of years the humans and orcs fought vicious wars between each other, but even this time has worn down. Today divisions are formed over philosophies, of which orcs often commit themselves deeply to.   What remains ever constant is the danger that lurks a short trip outside of the settled lands, and to that danger orcs are often the first out to face it.   Orcs tend to be larger than humans on average, and somewhat stronger. Their skin varies from shades of gray to brown, and they have notably pronounced incisors. They are a passionate people, given to powerful emotion and deep faith. They are quick to anger and just as quick to forgive.   Most orcs practice a form of Animism which leads them to find personal gods in the regions they live in. A god one cannot see and speak to is a poor god to rely on, their logic goes.

Alternate Rules

  • Orcs can interbreed with most other races, and the offspring can use the stats and traits for either parent or the use the entry for the Half-Orc race with the noted change below.
  • Half-Orcs
    • Menacing. Replate trait with Fit. You gain proficiency in the athletics skill.
  • Orcs
    • Primal Instincts. Replace with Passionate. You have proficiency in two of the following skills of your choice: Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, History, Perception, Performance, Athletics, Religion.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

While orcs are widespread across Aramanth, the largest proportion live in the The Karnos Republic, a nation that earned its freedom fighting in a bloody conflict with the Eternal Commonwealth. The Republic was formed from the synthesis of a number of orcish philosophers and has survived thus far to the modern-day.

Beauty Ideals

Orcs believe beauty is most found in that which shows the strength of one's convictions and character. Scars are seen as a sign of strength and experience whether earned in battle or a fistfight after an argument. Tattoos are likewise seen as a form of beauty, and most tattoos take the form of an allusion to an orcs personal beliefs, proclaiming both his commitment and openness out to all who ould see.

Common Etiquette Rules

Lying is deeply disliked among most orcs and can easily lead to a denouncement or violent challenge. In Karnos a politician caught in a lie will quickly find themselves voted out of their position and liberated of several of their teeth.
60 years
Average Height
Average Weight
220 lbs


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