Dahal Al'Ravan - The house of trade

An Oasis of Knowledge

  Al'Rihar, the City of Coins, renowned for its splendor and grand merchant houses. Here, where the great steppes meet the vast desert oceans, vast quantities of wares and trade goods flow through eager hands. Trade alliances are forged and broken, and the air hums with the whispers of countless stories, the scent of distant lands, and the promise of fortunes yet to be made. Within its sturdy and ancient walls lies is Dah'al Al'ravan, the house of trade.

Housed in an old, meticulously maintained caravanserai, this school aims to teach aspiring caravaneers everything they need to know about leading a caravan. Within its unassuming brick walls, students learn animal handling, trading, navigation, and all the essential skills for desert survival.
Thick walls protect a lush garden and a spacious courtyard, lovingly tended by students and teachers alike, creating a tranquil oasis of learning thats very different to the bustling and chaotic trade in the streets outside. Adjacent to the main building, a stable houses the camels used for training, ensuring students gain hands-on experience in managing and caring for their animals.  

The Instructors


Master Zayd

Zayd, the founder of the school, is a striking figure with wild, silver hair that seems to have a life of its own and piercing blue eyes that can see through any deception. His dramatic entrances intro classes are legendary, often accompanied by a flourish of his billowing, colorful robes. Known for his unconventional teaching methods, Zayd blends practical simulations with engaging storytelling, making every lesson a new adventure for his pupils.   His eccentricities are as famous among the classes as is his brilliance. Zayd often mimics animal sounds to entertain and surprise his students, once roaring like a Ka'sharian Lion to wake a dozing apprentice. He has a peculiar habit of collecting feathers from all kinds of birds and will go to great lenghts to increase his collection. Despite these quirks, Zayd is deeply respected for his profound knowledge and passion for the art of trade.   As the founder and one of the main instructors at the House of Trade, Zayd has earned a reputation for his unconventional yet highly effective teaching style. His students leave the school with a deep appreciation for the complexities of trade and commerce, inspired by Zayd's dedication and enthusiasm for the subject.  

Mistress Kahira

Kahira is a remarkable figure with her long, flowing white hair and deep, knowing brown eyes. Being an almost motherly figure to most of the students, people are utterly suprised once they see her handling a trade negotation with a heart of steel that puts seasoned warrior to shame. The wife of Master Zayd, she is the calm and steady rock that keeps the bustling environment of the house of trade in line.   Kahira’s classes on negotiation, tradecraft and other cultures are a unique blend of theory and practice seasoned with stories and tales from all over Aran'sha. Quite often she takes her pupils on strolls across the bazaars of Al'Rihar. Her gentle yet firm approach ensures that students grasp the theories thoroughly, while her sharp wit and patience make her a beloved figure among the students.   Kahira has a penchant for collecting small trinkets and curiosities from her travels, which she regulary uses as teaching aids alongside vivid stories. She also enjoys brewing and sharing new herbal teas out of plants from the gardens, believing that a relaxed mind is key to successful negotiations.  


Perhaps the strangest teacher at Dah'al Al'ravan, Layla is an actual talking camel. Little is known about how she obtained the ability to talk, and while she is usually quite talkative, she keeps the origins of this ability to herself.   Layla's classes are renowned for their engaging and practical approach. She teaches the essentials of camel care in the stables, including feeding, grooming, and riding techniques, as well as understanding the camels used by all merchants. Her lessons are infused with sharptongued humor and wisdom, making studying under her more of a game than a lection.   Typical for a camel, Layla has a tendency to be a bit stubborn, especially when she believes she is right. This can sometimes lead to friction and heated discussions with students who have different viewpoints - something Hassan seems to enjoy greatly. Additionally, she has a quirky habit of chewing on anything within reach, a typical behavior for her less talkative brothers and sisters, that often leaves her classroom in a bit of disarray.  

Master Hassan D'ra

Hassan, the gruff weapons and survival instructor at the House of Trade, is a towering half-orc with piercing green eyes and a frame bulging with muscles. His weatherworn green skin bears the scars of countless battles and a life out in the wastes, and he is able to tell a story of heroic deeds for every single one of them. Always closeby is his favorite weapon, a massive greatsword named “Stormbreaker" that is his most prized posession.   Hassan’s classes are intense and hands-on, focusing on mastering various weapons, especially scimitar and spear, and include essential survival skills like tracking and foraging. His booming voice and rigorous training pushes students to their limits (and over them), ensuring they are prepared for any challenge.   Despite his intimidating appearance, Hassan is known for his deep sense of honor, a booming laugh and an unwavering commitment to his students. He often shares the story of how he attained Stormbreaker, inspiring his students with boasts of heroic deeds in faraway lands.   In his spare time, Hassan enjoys sparring with the city guard, honing his skills and maintaining his formidable strength. His preferred drink is “Dhar’sa,” a potent brew made from Serpent's Root that he claims keeps his mind sharp and his body strong.      

Daily Life and Activities:


Academic Curriculum

The curriculum at Al-Qamar is as rich and diverse as the winds over the deserts themselves. The few students, never more than twenty, are all recruited from the poorer people of the city. They are taught the ancient art of navigation, using the sun’s guiding light and the landmarks of the desert to find their way. They learn to read people, assess the worth of wares. Practical skills, such as setting up camp, preparing for sandstorms, and ensuring the well-being of their caravan, form integral parts of their education. The Caravan Masters, seasoned by their journeys across vast deserts and countless challenges, enrich these lessons with their wisdom and real-life experiences.  

Morning Routine

Each day at the school begins with the soft chime of a brass bell, its gentle tones echoing through the courtyard, signaling the start of morning prayers and meditation. After a simple breakfast of sweet dates, warm flatbread, and Ma'khamsa, students gather in the classrooms for lessons. Either Zayd or Kahira teach them courses handling navigation, languages, tradegoods and the history of the caravans. Led by either Master Zayd or his wive, Yasmina,, these lessons aim to impart cultural and historical knowledge.  

Practical Training

Midday is reserved for hands-on training, something most students look forward to after the mornings academics. In the stables, students practice saddling and caring for camels and learning how to handle these hardy desert survivors under the care of Layla. First year students gather in the courtyard, honing their skills in bartering and negotiation through lively role-playing exercises with each other.

Later year students visit the bustling markets of Al'Rihar under the tutelage of Kahira. On these excursions, students learn the art of bartering and haggling under the gentle directions of Kahira, who shares her unique techniques for striking the best deals and navigating the market’s pitfalls freely.

All of her students have to practice reading merchants and passerbies, understanding prices and risk, and make quick decisions on the fly - skills essential for any successful trader. Delving into a vibrant tapestry of sights, sounds, and scents, first year students would be overwhelmed quickly by the sounds and sights. Stalls that brimm with colorful spices, exotic fruits, and intricate textiles line the narrow, winding alleys. Merchants from far and wide call out to passersby, their voices mingling with the noise of the market as they showcase their wares and engage in colorful and creative haggling bouts. The air is filled with the rich aroma of spices and the unending chatter of negotiations.
The merchants the student groups haggle with are carefully picked by Kahira and many an eye-twinkling trader has engaged the group with the most outlandish boasts and claims - being picked as a subject of Kahira's lessons is a mark of pride for many of the traders.

Afternoon Activities

Afternoons are a blend of study and leisure, a time for reflection and - unfortunately for some - homework. While some students retreat to the shaded corners of the courtyard, the cool breeze rustling their manuscripts and ledgers, others engage with their teachers in spirited discussions about the day’s lessons. The sound of quiet laughter and the clinking of tea cups often fill the air as students share stories, sip Kahira's newest tea creations, and build friendships that will endure for decades. Every second day, students might participate in martial training, learning to wield the scimitar, the dagger and the spear under the gruff but direct tutelage of Hassan. While Hassan is known as a strict teacher that often pushes the limits of his classes to the brink, his classes count amongst the most popular activities.  

Evening Activities

As the sun sets, the caravanserai transforms from a school to a hub of communal activity. Evening meals are a shared affair, with students and instructors cooking and dining together under the stars, the aroma of spiced dishes mingling with the cool night air. After dinner, some students gather for lessons on celestial navigation, learning to identify constellations and use them to guide their journeys through the desert. Others conclude the night with telling and reading stories of faraway lands in the courtyard, tales of legendary caravans and distant lands that their teachers brought back from their journeys. Some, more unfortunate souls brood over trade ledgers late into the night.    

A Legacy of Wisdom

Graduates of the school depart with more than just skills; they carry a wealth of experience, profound knowledge about a vast amount of topoics and most important of allthe immediate capability to begin working as merchants and caravan leaders. Many alumni have amassed fortunes, yet none have forgotten their origins as members of the lower classes. The bonds formed at Dahal Al'Ravan are lifelong, building a network of support and collaboration that extends far beyond the academy’s walls.

Each graduate is bestowed with an ornate pendant, magically imbued by Zayd himself to serve as a token of graduation. These pendants are meticulously attuned to their wearers, becoming unbearably heavy and impossible to carry in the hands of anyone else. Even more useful, in the hands of a graduate they can serve as a scale weight.
The pendant also reminds graduates of the values instilled at the house of trade: integrity, perseverance, and unflinching stoicism in the face of dangers. It is a badge of honor each of them carries proudly into the world.

Trader's Cant

In the bustling bazaars and shadowed caravansaries of Aran'sha, a silent language thrives. Passed down through generations, these signals are known only to merchants and traders.

Common Signals

  • Touching the Ear
  • This signal often indicates that the trader is willing to listen to a counteroffer. It’s a subtle way of showing openness to negotiation without explicitly stating it.
  • Tapping the Fingers
  • Lightly tapping fingers on the table or a nearby surface can signal impatience or a desire to speed up the negotiation. It’s a gentle nudge to the other party to make a decision.
  • Rubbing the Chin
  • This gesture often signifies contemplation. The trader is weighing the pros and cons of the offer, and it’s a cue for the other party to either sweeten the deal or hold firm.


    Please Login in order to comment!
    Sep 28, 2024 10:50 by CoolG

    The teachers have to be my favourite part of this school, especially Zayd and Layla ^^

    Explore the dark and mysterious Inferncenem, the bright and wonderful Caelumen or the magical and fantastical Ysteria   Have a good one!   Feel free to check out my Substack: CoolG's Awesome Worlds! Join the Discord and chat with like-minded people!
    Oct 13, 2024 19:02

    Glad to hear that, you might see them again in a while. Glad you liked the house of trade.

    Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
    Sep 28, 2024 20:38 by Chris L

    The talking camel is my fave!!

    Take a look at my Institutions of Learning challenge article.

    Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

    Sep 29, 2024 15:07

    It's really nice how you described the teachers' peculiarities. And a talking camel? It would be funny to see that. Otherwise, a great concept, I particularly like the amulet as a certificate that you attended the school.   It's also really nice that you've started isolating the pictures so that they "blend" better with the background. I know that's always a bit more time-consuming, but the effort is really worth it.

    Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
    Oct 13, 2024 19:04

    Thank you so much Blue - I was of two minds about isolating the pictures, but it was really well received so far. I might just stick to it. You might hear more about the amulet and the talking camel soon. Glad you liked the school and thanks for dropping by!

    Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
    Sep 30, 2024 23:01 by Secere Laetes

    Eine schöne Idee ^^. Und ja, freigestellt wirkt es tatsächlich noch ein wenig hübscher. Mir gefallen die Lehrer sehr gut, die wirklich vor allem mit den quirks sehr lebendig wirken, auch wenn ich bei Kahira jetzt ein wenig verwirrt war, was nun der Vor- oder Nachname ist, insbesondere da du bei allen anderen eben nur einen Namen verwendest. Ansonsten würde mich interessieren, wie sich die Schule finanziert. Rücklagen von Zayd nach einem langen Leben? Wenn ja, wie lange besteht die Schule eigentlich schon, dass er es sich noch leisten kann? Er scheint ja kein (reiner?) Mensch zu sein. Wobei mich das auch ohne die Kosten interessieren würde ^^.

    Oct 13, 2024 19:07

    Ah, financing - that was one of the parts I thought about but couldnt include due to word limits. However, there are no such restrictions now. However, it is a "trade" school, so they will probably find a few ways to fill their coffers. I'll also add a timeline so everyone can see what happened when to the school. Last, but not least - the Kahira name mixup has been fixed already. Thank you so much for visiting the house of trade, glad you enjoyed your stay!

    Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
    Oct 2, 2024 23:12 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

    I love the idea of a school that teaches the art of running a caravan and trading, especially when that school includes a talking camel as one of its teachers.   Just a quick question - are Kahira and Yasmina both names that Zayd's wife uses? I got a little confused at the swapping between them.   Wonderful article. It sounds like such a nice place to learn and grow.

    Emy x
    Explore Etrea
    Oct 3, 2024 21:20

    It makes me super happy you enjoyed visiting the school. I'll expand it a bit more once I'm allowed to. Regarding your question: I changed her name to Kahira which I thought to be more fitting while writing the article. Expect a change once I can edit again.

    Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
    Oct 3, 2024 22:16 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

    Ahh, makes sense! :) Thanks for the clarification!

    Emy x
    Explore Etrea
    Oct 7, 2024 02:02 by Ephraïm Boateng

    Lol, Layla is awesome

    Oct 13, 2024 19:08

    She is indeed, which means she will return. Thank you so much for visiting the house of trade, glad you enjoyed your stay!

    Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.