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Food for the Black Knights

Conversation Between Two Commoners   Setting: A bustling marketplace in the heart of a small Cythrian village. Stalls are laden with fresh produce, meats, and other goods. The air is filled with the hum of voices and the occasional call of vendors. Two commoners, **Gareth** and **Mira**, stand near a stall selling herbs and spices.    ---   Gareth: (lowering his voice) "Mira, have you ever heard the tale of how the Order of the Black Knights prepares their food?"   Mira:(glancing around to ensure no one is eavesdropping) "Aye, Gareth, I've heard whispers. They say it's more than just cooking. It's almost like... an alchemical ritual."   Gareth: "Exactly! My cousin's friend's brother once served as a kitchen boy at the Black Keep. He swears that every meal they prepare is infused with strange herbs and concoctions, all carefully measured and mixed."   Mira: "And the purpose of this? Just to make their food taste better?"   Gareth: (shaking his head) "No, not just that. The food, they say, grants them extraordinary strength. But more importantly, it makes them immune to magic charms and spells. Can you imagine? Wizards and sorcerers unable to enchant them."   Mira: "How do they do it, though? What kind of herbs and concoctions?"   Gareth: "From what I've gathered, it's a closely guarded secret. But it's said that they use rare ingredients. Things like bloodroot, nightshade, and even ground dragon scales. And they don't just throw them into a pot. There's a precise method—certain chants and rituals performed while the food is being cooked."   Mira: (raising an eyebrow) "Sounds like a load of hogwash to me. But then again, we are talking about the Order of the Black Knights. They're shrouded in mystery and darkness."   Gareth: "It's true. And think about it—how else could they remain so formidable in battle? Even the most skilled mages can't seem to touch them. There's got to be some truth to it."   Mira: "I've heard they also fast before battle. No food, no drink, nothing. They believe it purifies them, makes the ritual meals even more effective."     Gareth: "And it's not just the food, either. They drink potions made from the same ingredients. A sip here, a draught there. Each knight carries a vial with them at all times."     Mira: "You make it sound like they're more than just knights. Almost like... sorcerers themselves."   Gareth: "In a way, they are. They blend the line between warrior and mage. But it's their immunity to magic that truly sets them apart. Many a tale tells of wizards being driven mad trying to break their defenses."   Mira: "Well, if it's true, no wonder they're so feared. Who can stand against a knight impervious to magic?"   Gareth: "Indeed. It's no wonder the common folk speak of them in hushed tones. They aren't just knights; they're almost legends in their own right. And their food rituals? Just another layer to the mystery and power of the Order."   Mira: (nodding thoughtfully) "I suppose some mysteries are best left unsolved. But it does make you wonder, doesn't it? What other secrets do they hold?"   Gareth: "Many, I'm sure. Many we'll never know. But for now, let's be glad we're on the outside looking in. I'd rather not find myself on the wrong side of a Black Knight's sword—or his meal."   ---   The conversation tapers off as the two commoners continue their shopping, casting occasional glances around, still wary of being overheard discussing the enigmatic Order of the Black Knights.


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Aug 24, 2024 23:16 by Marc Zipper

I like how you presented this myth by having only two commoners discuss it while taking a leisurely stroll through the town. Amazing Article

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin