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Lightmire is a city nestled in the heart of a sprawling plain, with fields of golden wheat and vibrant corn stretching out as far as the eye can see. The city itself is built on the site of an ancient mire, which has since been transformed into a sprawling park with a central lake, surrounded by lush vegetation. Small villages and farmsteads dot the countryside, all relying on Lightmire's markets for their livelihood. Count Kant Lorr is the beloved ruler of Lightmire, known for his wisdom, fairness, and generosity. He is aided in his duties by a council of advisors chosen from the city's various guilds, including the merchant guilds, the city guard, and the farmers' association. This council meets regularly to discuss matters of state and ensure the city's interests are always well-represented.   Lightmire is well-protected by a thick wall and numerous watchtowers manned by the city guard. This highly trained and well-equipped force is known for its bravery and discipline, and can quickly muster a sizable militia to defend the city in times of crisis.   As an agricultural city, Lightmire derives most of its wealth from the cultivation of grain and vegetables. The city's markets are renowned throughout Modren for their abundance and quality, attracting traders from far and wide. Additionally, Lightmire boasts a thriving crafts industry, with skilled artisans producing everything from pottery to fine leather goods.   The city's infrastructure is impressive, with a network of well-maintained paved streets and a functioning sewer system. Lightmire also has many windmills that harness the constant winds blowing across the plain, adding to the city's self-sufficiency.   The city's primary assets are its vast agricultural wealth, with grain, vegetables, and livestock being the main products. Additionally, Lightmire has a considerable amount of wealth tied up in its crafts industry, with skilled artisans producing high-quality goods that are in demand throughout the region.   In addition to the count's council, Lightmire is home to several powerful guilds and factions. The Golden Consortium is the largest and most influential of the merchant guilds, controlling much of the city's trade and commerce. The local craftsman's guild is a smaller but no less influential group, with members producing some of the finest goods in the region. Finally, the farmers around Lightmire have formed a powerful union to protect their interests and ensure fair prices for their crops.


Mostly humans and a few dwarves, elves and half elves. Because of Lightmire's position as the most prominent cultivator of food in Modren even the poor citizens are atleast well fed.


Count Kant Lorr rules the city with a council of advisors, whom come from different merchant guilds, the guard high captain and the leader of the farmer's association.


The city is surrounded by a thick wall and several watchtowers. The city have a considerable large standing army acting as a guard force and protecting the city.

Industry & Trade

Lightmire's main industry is grain and vegetable farming. Lightmire's food market attracts alot of traders from other cities and towns in Modren. Because of the all the merchants traveling to and from Lightmire, the city have become a center for trade.


The city is both well made and maintained, one of the few cities in Modren with a functioning sewer system. As a farming community Lightmire also have many windmills.


As a farming community, the city's assests consist of grain and other farming products.

Guilds and Factions

Beside the count there are a few different factions with influence in the city and whom have a place at the count's council. The city's guard force have substantial power as they enforce the count's law. Two merchants' guilds operate in the city and are a part of the council, The Golden Consortium and a local craftman's guild. Finally the farmers around Lightmire have joined up and formed a union to protect their interests.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Light of the South
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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