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Once a beautiful and prosperous land, Modren has become a dark and dangerous place, with monsters and wild animals lurking in the unpopulated areas. The dark forests and overgrown underbrush have created a habitat where these creatures can thrive, making it difficult for the people of Modren to venture out into the countryside.   The current leader of Modren, Duke Aurelius De Clare, is highly superstitious and distrustful of strangers. The De Clare family was once a royal family, but due to a recent war with the Empire, Aurelius had to submit his crown and ruling power to the Empire. As a result, the people of Modren are often discriminated against in other southern countries.   Most of the people of Modren are also highly superstitious and suspicious of strangers, which has led to discriminatory laws against other races and humans from other countries. Dwarves, elves, halflings, and gnomes are accepted in Modren but still face discrimination. However, all other races are outlawed and deported on discovery, and tieflings face a more cruel punishment of torture and death.   The reason for Modren's distrust of other races and hatred of tieflings stems from a recent event known as the "Appearance of the Mist." This heavy, obscuring mist moves unnaturally throughout the lands of Modren and is accompanied by misfortunes such as crop withering, deadly accidents, and citizens going missing. Additionally, tieflings have been born at a higher rate during the initial appearance of the mist, leading the citizens of Modren to blame them for everything that has gone wrong. Aurelis De Clare has declared that being a tiefling or protecting one is punishable by death, causing parents to abandon their tiefling children to die in the forest.   In conclusion, Modren is a country with a dark and foreboding atmosphere, where fear and superstition rule the day. Its people are suspicious of strangers and discriminate against other races, making it a difficult place for outsiders to visit or live. The Appearance of the Mist has only added to the misfortunes and the hatred towards tieflings, making it a challenging place to survive for those who are not part of the majority race.   Threats   The people of Modren face a range of threats, making life difficult and dangerous for them. The most common dangers are bandits, who prey on weaker travelers and smaller hamlets in search of food and gold. These bandits can be found in many parts of the land, and often travel in groups. They are known to attack anyone who looks vulnerable, so it is wise for travelers to be prepared and take precautions.   Pirates are also a threat in Modren, especially for those living in coastal towns and villages. These seafarers are known for attacking ships, raiding settlements, and plundering goods. They are often well-armed and skilled fighters, making them difficult to defeat. Many coastal communities have built defenses against pirate attacks, such as high walls and watchtowers.   Orc warbands are another common threat in Modren. These groups of orcs travel through the land, raiding and pillaging as they go. They are known for their ferocity in battle, and are often equipped with weapons and armor. Orc warbands can be difficult to defeat, especially for smaller communities with limited resources. Some settlements have formed alliances with other communities to better defend against these threats.   Solitary trolls are also a danger in Modren. These creatures are large and , with tough skin and sharp claws. They are known to attack travelers and villages, often in search of food. Solitary trolls can be difficult to defeat, but many people have learned how to protect themselves from these creatures. Some communities have even managed to coexist with trolls by offering them food or other items in exchange for peace.   Undeads are also a common danger in Modren, particularly in the form of zombies and skeletons. These creatures are often found in graveyards or abandoned places and can be a result of dark magic or necromancy. They are known to attack the living and can be difficult to defeat without proper weapons and training. Many communities have built fences around their graveyards or hired necromancers to ensure the dead stay dead.


  • Map of Modren
    The map of Modren as of the year 1325.
Geopolitical, Country
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

Tenuous Peace

Tenuous Peace


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