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Once upon a time Venea was a prosperous and thriving country thanks partly to the land rich with iron ore and their master boat builders. Present time Venea has had it's iron resources almost depleted and recent natural disasters and storms have made the boat business less profitable. The few boats and iron ingots produced are shipped to the @Empire as part of their vasssal state agreements. The economic situation have made the young people of Venea reassesing their lives and many have decided to try their luck in other countries. The older people now curse their younglings for leaving Venea and at the same time making it even harder for the country to recover.   The largest iron mines have been overused making it hard to extract iron from them and the few smaller iron mines still in use are mostly undermanned. Another problem Venea is facing is the large amount of pirates using the many coves and unused mines as hideouts. The older inhabitants of Venea believes that all of these problems could be solved if the younger generation stayed in Venea and defended and worked the mines.   The citizens of Venea feel that the other countries of the southern Aranath betrayed them after the war, by not supporting the rebuilding Venea and because other countries are "stealing" their youngsters. Furthermore most pirates occupying the mines are not from Venea but outlaws from countries such as Lilicea and Sidonia, which deepends the mistrust of outsiders. As Venea does receive food and money from the @Empire, as payment for iron and ships, most people from Venea looks favourably at the Empire. A few citizens' hatred for Lilicea and Sidonia is so deep that they are rude and might even be aggressive towards people from those countries.


Every settlement is lead by one of the oldest women in that particular settlement. Larger settlements or cities have a council of matriarchs and they see every person in their settlement as their child. As of becoming a vassal state of the @Empire, the queen of Venea is now called High Matriach.


A large part of Venea's culture is the respect for the elder.
Geopolitical, Country




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