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Lilicea is a beautiful country with lush meadows and colourful flowers. The weather and climate is warmer than most of the neightbouring countries. The warm climate has led to Lilicea being a producer of olives, grapes, fruits and wine. Vineyards are a common sight in Lilicea and the largest and finest are more well protected than some villages. The most common problems in Lilicea are the monsters who are allured to the sweet arouma that the fruits emits. Another danger in Lilicea are the bandits who try to rob the vineyards of their precious wine, which sell for a high price.   During the war against the Empire Lilicea sent heavily armoured knights to aid Modren and Kaelderen. After Modren joined the Empire it did not take long before Lilicea fell and the royal family had to relinquish the power to the Empire.


A large part of Lilicea's culture is their devoutness to the godess Lilium and god Artem, and their virtues permeats the culture. The godess Lilium is the god who has the greatest impact on the culture, which means that the Lilicean people adore peace, love and beauty. In addition, the inhabitants believe that Artem's virtues of art, poetry and music are important aspects of society. Bards and poets therefore have good chance for living a good and luxurious life in Lilicea. Aranath's largest and most prominent Bard's College is located in Lilicea, both because the population looks up to entertainers but also because the country's management helps with the financing.   Another large part of Lilicea is the knightly culture, which Lilicea shares with Sidonia. All who have been knighted are highly respected by the citizens of Lilicea and live good lives. Every knight have to maintain the knightly virtues important to Lilicea or lose they knightly title.
Geopolitical, Country
Neighboring Nations


Friendly Peace





Trade and diplomatic missions between Lilicea and Anorderyn are uncommon.

Tenuous Peace

The old peace with Kaelderen, before Duke Leon assumed power, was alot stronger and friendly.

Tenuous Peace


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