Elifaen Swiftsteel Character in Aranor | World Anvil
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Elifaen Swiftsteel

The Green Lady

Lady Elifaen Swiftsteel

"It is why I admire you as I do, Elifaen. You embody the same indomitable spirit that I sought to rouse in the people here. You stand against foes so terrifying it defies reason, with a smile no less. You hurl yourself willingly into danger to protect those you love, and care for. You fight for what you believe is right; even if every voice around you says otherwise."
- Kalissa to Elifaen
An eager, spirited young woman from the small Paladian barony of Nifeldeen, Elifaen Swiftsteel, known also by her moniker of The Green Lady, or the more deragotary title of The Bastard Knight in eastern Paladia, is a self-styled wandering adventurer and champion of beauty, life and innocence. After being captured in a kobold raid and subsequently staging a break out with fellow escapees, Elifaen and her fellow former captives traveled to the Crossing together and eventually founded an adventuring group, later christened the Swordbreak Company after their first completed adventuring contract.    The Swordbreak Company would go on to earn widespread fame throughout the Heartlands for their deeds in the Siege of the Crossing, during which Elifaen was involved in the slaying of Vethukar Blackhand and the traitorous Carran, as well as being personally responsible for the death of the red dragon Kylndurathanir. Following the lifting of the Siege and a long period of rebuilding, Elifaen went on to marry her paramour Leoran Swiftsteel and set about wandering the world over the next fifteen years as a champion of Lyra and Paladin devoted to fighting for beauty, life, and the innocent, shedding her previous obsession with Al'varanyë and dedicating herself fully to defending the helpless.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born on the 13th Day of the Sword, 1178 C.F., in Nifeldeen, not much is known of the circumstances of Elifaen's birth, save for cryptic references that by all accounts points to a short-lived fling and an unwanted pregnancy. Her father, supposedly, left before her mother discovered the child growing within her, and the pair never married, making Elifaen a child born out of wedlock. The circumstances of his disappearance were never elaborated upon and, bitter at being seemingly abandoned, Elifaen's mother refused to speak further of him, leaving the young girl to only guess at what her father could have been like. Nonetheless, in spite of the disinterest her mother showed in raising her, Elifaen was still granted access to a range of tutors to attain an education far above what the usual station of bastard children would get in Paladia: She was taught mathematics and history, given lessons in home-making, and received rudimentary teachings on magical theory. Instead of embracing the lessons she was taught, however, the young girl wound up taking a shine to the heroic folk tales of ancient Paladian icons, especially those depicting the hero Linfid the Clever, who was rumored to have Elvish blood in his veins. Compounded by a lack of a father figure and her relatively slow growth compared to other children of her age, what started as a curious interest in her Elvish roots soon turned into a full-blown obsession to reconnect with her lost heritage, much to her mother's great frustration.   With her mother openly attempting to cow her interest in all things Elvish, Elifaen eventually learned to use her words and her own child-like innocence to circumvent arbitrary bans on learning the Elvish language and Elvish history. She regularly snuck out to the outskirts of the Mythari Forest, befriended the captain of the Nifeldeeni guard, convincing him to give her martial training, and convinced her tutor, an Elf of Fen'Sharran, to teach her the Elvish language in secret.   Still, life in Nifeldeen would eventually begin to bore the Half-Elf, and Elifaen soon found herself restless within such a small town; But it would not be until a chance encounter in the forest that the aspiring Paladin began to harbor thoughts of running away to carve her own path in life. Inspired by what she had seen and convinced that a greater destiny awaited her outside of her hometown's small walls, the Half-Elf then proceeded to pack her things, pledge an oath to the goddess Al'varanyë, and secure herself passage onto a caravan leaving Nifeldeen, bound for the newly-founded city of Carran's Crossing.


Leoran Swiftsteel

Husband (Vital)

Towards Elifaen Swiftsteel


Elifaen Swiftsteel

Wife (Vital)

Towards Leoran Swiftsteel


Legal Status


Egbert de Blanchard


Towards Elifaen Swiftsteel


Elifaen Swiftsteel


Towards Egbert de Blanchard


Chaotic Good
Year of Birth
1178 A.F.C 36 Years old
Nifeldeen, Kingdom of Paladia
Leoran Swiftsteel (Husband)
Egbert de Blanchard (Half-Brother)
Light Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lyra, Al'varanyë (formerly)

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