Aranor The History of Aranor Timeline
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The History of Aranor

The History of Aranor details the great events of Aranor and their place within the Aranorian timeline. Currently, most contemporary historians divide the history of Aranor into four distinct eras:

  • The Creation of Aranor (??? B.C.F - ??? B.C.F.)
  • The Forgotten Age (??? B.C.F. - 0 .C.F.)
  • The Age of Fear (0 C.F. - 601 C.F)
  • The Age of Rediscovery (601 C.F - Present Day)
Each era of recorded Aranorian history offers a rough timeline of numerous important, world-changing events that have led to shifts in the balance of power, the death of important figures, and the founding of new cities and kingdoms. Many great men and women have risen and fallen throughout Aranorian history, and whilst some of them may have been forgotten due to the Curse, others have since risen in prominence to carry out (or destroy) their predecessors' legacies.

The Forgotten Age

??? > -1 B.F.C

The Forgotten Age, as it's name implies, is the era before the Curse of Falandine, most of it's knowledge now lost thanks to the God of Fate's machinations. Like the era of Creation before it, there is little information to be found of civilization in those days, though many of it's remnants are present upon the world as crumbling ruins. What little writings there are, however, speak of great empires and continents, like the Attaran empire, spanning entire continents. The Forgotten Age ended with the Curse of Falandine wiping mortal memory of it's collective past.

  • -1 B.F.C

    Curse of Falandine
    Disaster / Destruction

    Falandine, God of Fate, curses the mortal races of Aranor to forget their own history and sets every living being into a year-long slumber.

  • 0 B.F.C

    The Reawakening
    Era beginning/end

    The mortal races of Aranor, now with their memories wiped of their past, awaken into a chaotic world filled with confusion. The Age of Fear begins.

Age of Fear

0 B.F.C 602 A.F.C

The Age of Fear was a centuries-long era of chaos and uncertainty as the various mortal races of Aranor awoke from their magic-induced slumber and into a world filled with crumbling ruins and forgotten civilizations. Scattered peoples began to band together to survive in this new, unfamiliar world, creating new kingdoms and societies out of the old. With rebuilding and survival at the forefront of people's minds, the question of what happened in the era before this one was shunted to the side. The Age of Fear ended in 601 A.F.C..

  • 0 A.F.C

    The Reawakening
    Era beginning/end

    The mortal races of Aranor, now with their memories wiped of their past, awaken into a chaotic world filled with confusion. The Age of Fear begins.

  • 37 A.F.C

    Ljusheim Rediscovered
    Discovery, Exploration

    The ancient city of Ljusheim is rediscovered by a wandering tribe of Fjallans. They settle the city, becoming the first new adherents of Atemar since the Reawakening.

  • 133 A.F.C

    Founding of Chicomecoatl

    Disparate Tiefling tribes in Garanja, having fallen into infighting after the Curse of Falandine, band together once more to repel an encroaching green dragon threat. A leader rises among them, the future Chicomecoatl I, who goes on to found the Eternal Kingdom of Chicomecoatl.

  • 511 A.F.C

    First Encounter with the Drow
    Discovery, Exploration

    Paladian explorers delve into the depths of the earth beneath the Heartlands and make first contact with the Drow, resulting in fierce battle. The paladian survivors escape back to the overworld and bring with them evidence of the battle. All surface-dwelling races of Aranor learn of the existence of Drow.

  • 572 A.F.C

    Creation of the Kingdom of Paladia

    Osric the Just pilgrimages to Mount Ferrod and obtains the blessing of the golden dragon Aeiolathar. He and his seven companions disperse across the eastern Heartlands to found the eight principal Duchies of Paladia, with Osric taking the title of Duke of Eribourne and King of Paladia.

  • 589 A.F.C

    Creation of the Kingdom of Calindra

    Queen Calinia ascends to the throne of Calanthea with the unification of Calindra, crowned aboard her flagship Harrah'hali that once carried the Harrah from the Kahra'Alani to the Heartlands.

  • 601 A.F.C

    Founding of Safira

    The first independent and fully inhabited city is formed since the Curse of Falandine, swelling in a short span of time to true metropolitan proportions after it is declared the heart of Alissan worship. Safira promises a new age of civilization and stability.

Age of Rediscovery

602 A.F.C and beyond

The Age of Rediscovery is the current era in which Aranor finds itself, and began in 602 A.C.F. after the Founding of Safira. With the rediscovery of hidden historical texts and accounts of previous civilizations, the mortal races of Aranor began to spread far and wide in search of new land to settle and tame, creating several new territories and kingdoms. Others have looked towards discovering the cause of the Curse of Falandine, wishing to understand the circumstances that led to the God of Fate's decision - and whether they could avoid repeating such a mistake.

  • 821 A.F.C

    Colonization of Honevray

    Settlers from Calindra and Paladia migrate southwards, crossing the borders of their respective kingdoms and into the untamed wilds before Kiran. They found the cities of Endavcra and Highpoint, settling on the territory that would eventually become Honevray.

  • 863 A.F.C

    Creation of the Merchant Republic of Besher

    Dissatisfied subjects of the Khameni Empire rebel against the Golden Emperor and go into exile in the west. They create the Merchant Republic of Besher on the shores of the western Golden Coast.

  • 923 A.F.C

    Discovery of Estar
    Discovery, Exploration

    Rugnor the Explorer discovers the westernmost island of Estar. He brings news of this discovery back to the Heartlands.

  • 1012 A.F.C

    Drow Civil War Begins
    Military: War

    Dissent grows between the different cities of the Drow regarding Nexian tenets, giving rise to a counter-movement seeking to reform the religion of Nex and oust the current heads of the clergy. What initially begins as a small, quiet resistance against the supposed tyranny of the clergy breaks out into all-out civil war, though knowledge of this event is prevented from leaking out to the outside world by both reformers and traditionalists.

  • 1080 A.F.C

    Fen'Sharran Appears

    Plucked from the vast and timeless abyss of the Astral Sea, the Star Elven Dominion of Fen'Sharran appears in the skies of Aranor, sparking fears and conspiracy theories. The city proceeds to float down and settle onto the uninhabited isle of Neranja.

  • 1098 A.F.C

    Settling of the Kah'ai'ai Archipelago
    Population Migration / Travel

    Calindran colonies begin to spring up on the Kah'ai'ai Archipelago, driving out the native Hoan population.

  • 1132 A.F.C

    First Darian War of Independence

    Notorious pirate and founder of Daria Edwin Dorland reappears after a year lost at sea, bringing with him the might of gunpowder, never before seen on Aranor. He defeats the Calindran navy in a seemingly-suicidal charge and carves out the territory of Daria in the Kah'ai'ai archipelago, creating the Brimstone Brotherhood and what would in turn become the infamous three admiralties of Daria. He spends the next ten years building the Free City of Daria in his image.

  • 1142 A.F.C

    Disappearance of Edwin Dorland
    Life, Supernatural

    Notorious pirate lord Edwin Dorland, after spending ten years building the city of Daria, sets out on a voyage to the south. He is never seen or heard from again.

  • 1159 A.F.C

    Division of the Golden Empire
    Political event

    Empress Audi dies in the Golden Coast, leaving behind her twin boys, the Imperial Princes Adhio and Akhari. As was written in her will, the Khameni Empire is divided into two separate territories, fracturing the Empire forever.

  • 1160 A.F.C

    Drow Exiles found Maz'Thazan

    Civil war amongst the Drow leads to a number of drow to be driven to the surface in exile. Lead by the former traditionalist Knight Templar Dame Talice Khalazza, the exiles band together and emerge in northwestern World's End, settling down to form the first bastion of reformist worship: The exile city of Maz'Thazan.

  • 1163 A.F.C

    1168 A.F.C

    War of the Three Navies
    Military: War

    The Merchant Republic of Besher and Fen'Sharran go to war against the pirate admiralties of Daria, culminating in a five-year long conflict spanning most of the Forgotten Sea.

  • 1163 A.F.C

    Crowning of Chicomecoatl XXI
    Political event

    The current queen of Chicomecoatl, Chicomecoatl XXI, sheds her birth name of Ixcuiname and ascends to the Ashen Throne.

  • 1172 A.F.C

    1181 A.F.C

    War of the Risen King
    Military: War

    Arturian the Challenger resurrects King Denar III, grandfather of then-Queen Katharina, in a secret ritual to reclaim the Paladian throne, starting the War of the Risen King. Paladia falls into Civil War, Queen Katharina is killed, Arturian executed, and her son Osric the Redeemer ascends to the throne.

  • 1175 A.F.C

    Nexian Reformation Begins
    Religious event

    The writings of Drow exiles begin to reach the surface of Aranor, inspiring small sects of new converts seeking to reform the Nexian religion.

  • 1189 A.F.C

    1194 A.F.C

    Calindran-Paladian Border Conflict
    Military: War

    Border tensions between Calindra and Paladia escalate, kickstarting a costly conflict between the two rival nations. The dispute is eventually solved through the intervention of both their kings, culminating in the founding of the free city of Carran's Crossing.

  • 1198 A.F.C

    Dawn of A-Sarkat
    Religious event

    Mysterious, serpentine threats begin to appear all over the Golden Coast, heralding the arrival of a mysterious god-like being only known as A-Sarkat.   The events of Secrets of the Golden Coast occur.

  • 1198 A.F.C

    1199 A.F.C

    Second Darian War of Independence

    Following the defeat of Fion the Red at the hands of the Darian upstart Fleet of the Nerve, Gorin Glittergold, Admiral of the Greens, chooses to side with Calindra and hand over the pirate city in exchange for serving as it's governor. Enraged by Gorin's betrayal, the crew of the Nerve raid Gorin's fleet, kickstarting the Second Darian War of Independence.   The events of Death Lurks Below occur.

  • 1198 A.F.C

    The Grand Alliance of Estari Cities sieges Zyvir
    Military: War

    The Grand Alliance of Estari Cities is formed in response to a rising threat from the undead kingdom of Zyvir, controlled by the Lich Alekarius. The alliance, comprising of the cities of Aramnis, Fen'Doren, Varana, Highsummer, Newhaven and Dorwich, march upon Zyvir to end the threat of Alekarius once and for all. The Eight of Estar infiltrate Alekarius' tower and slay the lich once and for all, bringing peace to Estar once more.   The events of The Dragon's Hoard occur.

  • 1199 A.F.C

    The Crossing Under Siege
    Military: War

    Carran's Crossing, a budding independent city of mounting importance, begins to feel increased pressure from a mysterious entity seeking the secrets of the Dragongate.   The Events of Crossing Under Siege occur.

  • 1206 A.F.C

    Ascension of Fion

    Fion the Red, former pirate admiral of the Red Reavers of Daria, is taken by the then-God of War Borsimer in the midst of a sahuagin raid as a challenger to his divine throne. Fion prevails in single combat against the God of War and ascends to divinity, taking on the mantle of Borsimer herself.

  • 1207 A.F.C

    1209 A.F.C

    The Red Crusade
    Military: War

    The newly-crowned Goddess of War Fion gathers all of her Borsimeri adherents and worshippers and launches a bloody, genocidal war against the inhabitants of Aranor, carving a destructive path through Daria and Calindra before finally being stopped by the Safiran Crusade at the Seaside Plains. Injured and defeated, Fion retreats to her newly-built stronghold of Kerahald.

  • 1214 A.F.C

    Present Day

    The Present Year in Aranor canon.   The events of Red Reckoning occur.