
Personal History

The ruling demon of Condemned Ghast is Belphegor, the demon lord of sloth and idle entertainment. Belphegor was once a high-ranking angel who fell from grace due to his insatiable curiosity and desire for leisurely pleasures. Upon his fall, he embraced his new identity and became one of the seven princes of hell, ruling over the sin of sloth. Over eons, Belphegor grew bored of traditional demonic activities and sought to create something new and entertaining, leading to the founding of Condemned Ghast. His goal was to provide endless amusement to the denizens of the underworld, ensuring that even the damned could enjoy a moment of respite through dark humor and sinister media.


Physical Descriptions

Appearance & Attire

Belphegor stands at an imposing height of seven feet, with a lean yet muscular build that exudes both power and lethargy. His skin is a deep crimson, adorned with intricate black tattoos that pulse with a faint, ominous glow. His face is a grotesque blend of beauty and horror, featuring sharp, angular features, and glowing yellow eyes that seem to pierce into the soul. Two large, curved horns protrude from his forehead, each etched with ancient demonic runes.   Belphegor's attire is a blend of regal and rebellious. He wears a tailored black suit made from the finest hellish fabrics, accented with red silk lining and flame motifs. Over his suit, he dons a long, flowing cloak of dark, tattered shadows that billow like smoke. His hands are adorned with rings made of bone and obsidian, each representing a different circle of hell.


Concealed Items

Beneath his cloak, Belphegor conceals several magical artifacts. Among them is the "Flame of Pandemonium," a small, enchanted lantern that can summon illusions of fire and chaos. He also carries a hidden dagger named "Sloth's Sting," which can induce lethargy and sluggishness in those it cuts. Additionally, he possesses a pocket-sized book of infernal contracts, allowing him to make quick deals with those he encounters.


What do they sound like

Belphegor's voice is a deep, resonant baritone that carries a hypnotic quality. When he speaks, it sounds like a blend of crackling fire and the slow, deliberate rumble of shifting earth. His tone is often lazy and languid, but it can quickly shift to one of commanding authority when he desires. His laughter is a chilling, echoing sound that reverberates like the tolling of a distant, infernal bell.




Belphegor is motivated by a desire to alleviate the boredom of hell's denizens through creative and entertaining means. He seeks to maintain his power and influence by providing a constant stream of dark amusement, ensuring that even in damnation, there can be moments of twisted joy. He also aims to outshine his fellow demon lords by proving that sloth can be a source of innovation and inspiration.


Personality Traits

Belphegor is cunning, charismatic, and endlessly creative. Despite his association with sloth, he possesses a sharp mind and a knack for coming up with innovative ideas. He is both charming and manipulative, able to sway others to his will with ease. Belphegor has a dark sense of humor and enjoys playing pranks on other demons and mortals alike.



Belphegor's greatest flaw is his inherent laziness. While he can be incredibly productive when inspired, he often falls into long periods of inactivity and apathy. His desire for constant entertainment can lead to reckless decisions and a lack of focus on important matters. Additionally, his vanity and pride make him susceptible to flattery and manipulation by those who know how to stroke his ego.



Belphegor believes that even in the depths of hell, there can be beauty and joy through creativity and innovation. He holds the ideal that entertainment is a powerful tool that can influence and control the masses. He values freedom of expression and the pursuit of pleasure, and he sees himself as a patron of the arts within the infernal realms. Belphegor also believes in the power of sloth, viewing it as a means to inspire great ideas and inventions through the desire to find easier, more enjoyable ways to do things.

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