Condemned Ghast


Condemned Ghast was founded eons ago in the fiery depths of the ninth circle of hell by the infamous demon lord Belphegor, the patron of sloth and idle entertainment. Seeking to alleviate the eternal boredom of the damned, Belphegor envisioned a platform that would combine the infernal with the hilarious, providing an unending stream of demonic amusement. Over the centuries, Condemned Ghast has evolved, embracing new forms of infernal media and becoming the go-to source of entertainment for demons, devils, and lost souls alike.



Condemned Ghast aims to provide top-tier entertainment to the denizens of the underworld. Our objectives include:
  • Creating and curating a vast array of infernal content that blends humor, horror, and the grotesque.
  • Keeping the damned engaged with interactive and immersive media experiences.
  • Promoting the dark arts and unholy antics through innovative social media platforms.
  • Ensuring every soul in hell has access to the latest demonic trends and fiendish fun.


    Uniform or Symbols

    The uniform of Condemned Ghast employees consists of a sleek, infernal red and black ensemble. The attire is adorned with flames and demonic insignias, ensuring that staff members are easily recognizable amid the chaos. The company's symbol is a grinning demonic skull wreathed in flames, often displayed prominently on uniforms, digital content, and company paraphernalia.



    Condemned Ghast is headquartered in Los Veron, within the grand obsidian tower of Pandemonium Plaza. This towering inferno of a building is equipped with the latest in demonic technology and infernal broadcasting equipment. Additionally, Condemned Ghast has satellite offices in each of the nine circles of hell, ensuring comprehensive coverage and accessibility for all demonic residents. With ambitions to expand into the material planes.
    Subsidiary Organizations
    Notable Members


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