Brakkar Character in Ararim | World Anvil


Personal History

Brakkar, the imposing head of the Idwala chapter of The Black Hand, has a storied history within the criminal underworld. Born into the bearfolk community, Brakkar quickly rose through the ranks of the Black Hand due to his cunning intellect and shrewd business acumen. Little is known about his early years, but rumors suggest that he was involved in various illicit activities from a young age.


Physical descriptions

Appearance & Attire

Brakkar stands at an imposing height of 7 feet 2 inches, towering over most individuals with his powerful bearfolk physique. His fur is a striking silver, complemented by piercing green eyes that seem to miss nothing. He is often seen clad in a smart suit, tailored to perfection, with a pressed gold brooch featuring the emblem of the Black Hand—a symbol of his authority within the organization. His claws, sharp and menacing, are always kept meticulously groomed and are stained black—a subtle reminder of his capacity for violence when necessary.


Concealed Items

Brakkar carries concealed weapons beneath his suit—a dagger strapped to his leg and a small pistol tucked into his waistband. These tools of the trade serve as a reminder that despite his refined appearance, he is always prepared to defend himself and enforce his will if challenged.


What do they sound like

Brakkar's voice is deep and gruff, carrying a commanding presence that demands attention whenever he speaks. He possesses an East End of London accent, adding a touch of urban sophistication to his authoritative demeanor.




Brakkar is driven by a relentless pursuit of power and wealth, viewing every situation as an opportunity to further the interests of the Black Hand. He seeks to expand the organization's influence, solidify its control over Idwala, and eliminate any threats to its dominance.


Personality Traits

Brakkar is cunning and resourceful, always assessing the strengths and weaknesses of those around him to determine how best to leverage them to his advantage. He exudes confidence and charisma, effortlessly commanding the respect and loyalty of his subordinates. Despite his imposing presence, he is not prone to unnecessary violence, preferring to use intimidation and coercion to keep those under his thumb.



Brakkar's single-minded pursuit of power can sometimes blind him to the potential consequences of his actions, leading him to take unnecessary risks in the name of furthering the Black Hand's agenda. His tendency to view people as mere assets to be exploited can also strain his relationships and alienate potential allies.



Brakkar values loyalty above all else, expecting unwavering allegiance from those under his command. He believes in the importance of maintaining order and control, even if it means resorting to ruthless tactics to achieve his goals. To him, the ends always justify the means, as long as they serve the greater interests of the Black Hand.

Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Soft silver fur
7ft 2
Aligned Organization


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