
History and Introduction

Long ago the city of Gowtenham was said to be a wealthy city of noble wizards, as its existence is owed to the convergence of ancient ley lines, which granted the town a unique magical aura. If the ley lines still exist they do little to the city these days other than provide a continuous ethereal mist that is found in the marshlands surrounding the town. Legends whispered of long-forgotten spells and hidden treasures buried deep within the marshes, captivating the imaginations of both the townsfolk and adventurers for a time... This time however has mostly passed, as all that lurks in the mist these days are bandits, monsters, and broken carts lost to bogs in the road.

Society & Boroughs


Political views

Gowtenham is under the rulership of the Lord of the Marshlands and an elected town mayor aids in advising on the current happenings of the township, and the Marshwardens oversee any justice that requires dispensement. There are two advisors to the Lord of the Marshlands, a Master of Coin & Trade and a Chancellor of the People. The four advisors meet weekly to discuss any requirements of the township and affairs they need to keep in order.
Master of Coin
Chancellor of the People
Mayor of Gowtenham
Head of the local Marshwardens

Concealed Political views

Very little is concealed here, it's been a strong seat of power for the Migel family for centuries, most of the town owe their working lives to the distillery or its offshoots of business and wouldn't push to upset this.


A key exporter of alcohol for the region with the distillery driving most of the business for the town.

Religious Beliefs

The town supports the belief in all good Neutral-Lawful gods. It does not support the worship of Chaotic or Evil Gods of any kind and rit's of warning are handed out to any who wear their markings.


Clad in sturdy leather armor emblazoned with the emblem of the Marshwardens The troops in the Marshwarden who are sworn to protect the people of Gowtenham, are deeply connected to the village and its people. They knew each resident by name, often sharing conversations and laughter with the villagers during their patrols. This familiarity forged a strong bond, as they worked together to create a safe and thriving community amidst the marshland's challenges.


  • Gowtenham Map
    A map of central Gowtenham
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Characters in Location


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