Saedrick Megal

Lord of the Marshlands Saedrick Drogan Megal

Saedrick was a man of duty and business. He oversaw the expansion of the whiskey business into bordering countries and set up trading arrangements with other nations within Ararim. His success led to his being raised to the advisor on mercantile trade to the Crown. In his later years, he expanded the business into ale and wine but folded the wine production some years later given the quality of grapes compared to those grown in the northern regions. On a trading journey across the sands, Saedrick's heart was captured by the alluring beauty of Mahyar Megal in a small village called Zade. Through their union, they opened up great trade with the trade council of the sands.


Physical descriptions

Appearance & Attire

Saedrick cuts an imposing figure. Thick black hair frames his face, cascading down into long mutton chops and a bushy black moustache. His eyes, a dark greenish grey, hold a glint of both authority and shrewdness. He dresses impeccably in finely tailored clothes, a testament to his success. A small, yet prideful, press button adorns his garments, bearing the sigil of the Megal family.

What do they sound like

Saedrick's voice is a powerful instrument. Commanding yet considered, it reflects his years of experience negotiating and leading. While his authority is undeniable, there's a comfortable undertone that makes him a formidable yet approachable negotiator.




Saedrick's motivations seem to be a mix of duty and ambition. He clearly enjoys the challenge of expanding trade and forging new partnerships. His marriage to Mahyar Megal suggests a desire for both personal and professional fulfillment.

Personality Traits

Intelligent & Ambitious: Saedrick's success in expanding trade and becoming a royal advisor highlights his intelligence and ambition. He thrives on challenges and constantly seeks new opportunities for growth.   Diplomatic & Persuasive: His ability to forge strong trade partnerships indicates diplomatic skills and persuasiveness. He likely understands negotiation and the art of striking a good deal.   Confident & Commanding: Saedrick's imposing figure and authoritative voice suggest confidence in his abilities and a natural leadership presence.



Workaholic Tendencies: Given his dedication to business and ambition, Saedrick might struggle to maintain a healthy work-life balance. He could prioritize business ventures over spending quality time with family.   Impatient & Blunt: His direct and business-like nature might translate to impatience with those who don't grasp concepts as quickly or struggle to meet his standards. This could lead to bluntness or harshness, especially in non-professional settings.   Emotionally Distant: While Saedrick likely values his family based on his marriage, his focus on business and ambition could create emotional distance. He might struggle to connect with his children on a deeper level, especially if their interests don't align with his driven personality.  



Prosperity & Growth: Saedrick's core ideal seems to be building prosperity and fostering economic growth. He likely finds satisfaction in seeing businesses flourish and trade routes expand.   Strong Partnerships: His success relies on forging strong partnerships with other nations and individuals. He likely values trust, reliability, and mutually beneficial agreements.   Legacy & Recognition: Saedrick's rise to advisor and the Megal sigil on his clothing suggest a desire for recognition and building a lasting legacy.


Saedrick Megal


Towards Mahyar Megal

Mahyar Megal


Towards Saedrick Megal

Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
2365 97 Years old
Mahyar Megal (spouse)
Grey / green eyes
short jet black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Weathered pale skin
Medium build
Ruled Locations


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