Ikras Stonehoof Character in Ararim | World Anvil

Ikras Stonehoof

Personal History

Ikras Stonehoof, the formidable Minotaur bodyguard, has been a stalwart presence at The Skulls Rest for as long as anyone can remember. Born in the distant minotaur territories, he hails from a lineage known for its strength and resilience. At a young age, Ikras displayed exceptional physical prowess, surpassing even his peers in both height and muscularity.

  His journey to becoming the imposing figure he is today was fraught with challenges. Ikras spent his youth training in the rigorous minotaur combat traditions, mastering the art of wielding his immense strength with precision. When he finally left his homeland, it was in search of greater purpose, a quest that ultimately led him to the employ of Lupecia, the proprietor of The Skulls Rest.


Physical descriptions

Appearance & Attire

Ikras's imposing figure demands immediate attention. Standing at a towering height, his muscular frame is a testament to years of tireless training. Short brown and black fur covers his body, giving him a rugged appearance that suits his robust personality. His most prominent feature, the large curving horns that protrude from his head, accentuates his minotaur heritage.

  Draped in heavy leathers and armor, Ikras carries an aura of intimidation. His attire is both practical and protective, adorned with straps, buckles, and plates designed to absorb and deflect blows.


Concealed Items


What do they sound like

Ikras's voice, when it grumbles forth, is a deep and resonant baritone. He speaks sparingly, often choosing his words with care. His speech carries a weight that matches his imposing physique, and his tone rarely betrays emotion. When he does speak, it's typically to deliver curt commands or to address matters of immediate importance.




Ikras is driven by a sense of duty and loyalty to Lupecia and The Skulls Rest. He takes his role as a protector seriously and would go to great lengths to ensure the safety of the establishment and its patrons. Though he often appears stern and unapproachable, those who get to know him understand that his loyalty runs deep.

Personality Traits

Stoic Ikras is a reserved and stoic individual, rarely displaying his emotions openly.
  Loyal His unwavering commitment to his duty and to Lupecia is unquestionable.
  Disciplined Years of rigorous training have instilled in him a strong sense of discipline and self-control.



Ill-Tempered Ikras can be short-tempered when bothered or when he perceives a threat.
  ReservedHis stoic nature can make it difficult for others to get close to him or understand his true feelings.



Protection Ikras's primary motivation is to protect those under his care.
  Duty He firmly believes in fulfilling his duty, no matter the personal cost.
  Strength Ikras takes great pride in his physical prowess and values strength and resilience in others.
Current Location
Year of Birth
2419 43 Years old
Small Red eyes
Short thick fur
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark brown
Muscular and large
Malar, god of the hunt


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