Mogran Character in Ararim | World Anvil


Personal History

Mogran, hails from a long line of dedicated merchants. His family has owned Hammer, Healer, Helper, a renowned general store, for four generations. Throughout the years, their establishment has gained a reputation for fairness and willingness to assist those who strive to aid others. Mogran, as the current owner, carries on this tradition, ensuring that the best equipment finds its way into the hands of those who are committed to serving others.   Knowledge of the Land
With extensive experience in the bustling city of Idwala and its surrounding sands, Mogran possesses an intimate understanding of the area. This familiarity has been cultivated through interactions with repeat customers, ranging from adventurers embarking on quests to miners in search of valuable resources. He is well-versed in the unique needs and challenges faced by those navigating the harsh desert environment.


Physical descriptions

Appearance & Attire

Mogran's distinguishing features include two crooked horns that add a touch of character to his imposing figure. A long snout and gold rings carefully drilled through his horns further set him apart. He wears a meticulously tailored set of dark red leather armor, which complements his lithe frame. The sight of a menacing great axe strapped to his back may seem incongruous with his slender limbs, but it serves as a reminder of his readiness to protect and assist others.


Concealed Items

If Threatened with a short whistle - 5 fallen soldiers in honoring the assistance his family has given, rally to his side to fight.

What do they sound like

Mogran's speech is deliberate and unhurried, reflecting his composed nature. His words carry a sense of simplicity and clarity, ensuring that his message is understood by all. While his voice may not resonate with a booming timbre, its calm and measured tone commands attention and conveys a deep-rooted wisdom.




Mogran's primary motivation is to provide reliable and standardized supplies to adventurers and miners through his general store. He understands the importance of well-equipped individuals who dedicate themselves to the service of others. In light of the city's growing wealth, he approaches his role with caution, ensuring that only those truly committed to making a difference gain access to the finest gear and resources.

Personality Traits

Composed and level-headed
Fair and just in his dealings
Attentive and knowledgeable about the needs of adventurers and miners
Cautious in selecting customers who genuinely prioritize helping others



Tendency to be overly cautious in discerning the intentions of potential customers
Can be reserved and slow to fully trust others
Prone to prioritizing practicality and utility over personal connections



Service: Values those who dedicate themselves to the betterment of others and seeks to support their noble endeavors.
Wisdom: Appreciates the wisdom gained from experiences and the importance of informed decision-making.
Balance: Strives to find a balance between caution and trust, ensuring that resources are allocated to those who truly deserve them.

Current Location
Year of Birth
2417 45 Years old
beady black eyes
Light sandy fur that darkens at the ends
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Muscular but slender
Melora, the Wild Mother
Ruled Locations


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