Roderman Megal

Lord Roderman Ligroni Megal

Personal History

Roderman Megal, also known as Rod for short, is the current owner and operator of the prestigious Megal distillery. He is poised to inherit the lordship of the marshlands, a responsibility that comes with the family name. Roderman has significantly expanded the Megal empire by venturing into the fishing industry. He oversees both commercial and professional fishing, and has recently capitalized on the growing popularity of amateur fishing as well. This diversification has proven wildly profitable.   Despite his focus on business, Roderman prioritizes his family. He desires a strong, close bond with his son Aref and envisioned him taking on a larger role in the family business. However, Aref's passion lies in the sport of fishing and life at sea, creating a point of gentle tension between father and son.

Physical descriptions

Appearance & Attire

Roderman presents himself as a man of the sea. He favors well-made, seafaring clothes in rich dark brown and red hues. For practicality, he wears leather armor, a testament to the potential dangers of his trade. Unlike his clean-shaven father, Rod sports a neatly trimmed, long-twirling mustache and a goatee. His dark green eyes and short, curly black hair echo some of his father's features. However, Rod's overall demeanor is a stark contrast to Saedrick's. He exudes warmth and kindness, which contributes to his popularity among the people he leads.

What do they sound like

Roderman's voice is warm and inviting, with a hint of nobility that reflects his family lineage. His years at sea have equipped him with a surprisingly expansive vocabulary, though he tends to reserve its full use for select company. When dealing with everyday matters or common folk, he adopts a more approachable and direct tone.



Roderman seems driven by two main desires: continued prosperity for the Megal family and a strong bond with his son. He has successfully expanded the family business and craves his son Aref's involvement, even if their passions differ.

Personality Traits

Business-Savvy: His expansion of the Megal holdings into fishing demonstrates his business acumen.   Family-Oriented: Despite his focus on work, Roderman prioritizes his family and desires a close relationship with his son.   Warm & Kind: His demeanour is a stark contrast to his father's, suggesting a more approachable and empathetic personality.



  Potential for Strain with Son: Roderman's desire for his son to follow in his footsteps could create tension, especially if Aref's passion lies elsewhere.   Overly Optimistic: His easy-going nature might lead him to underestimate the challenges of balancing family and a demanding business, especially with a son who has different aspirations.



Family Legacy: Roderman seems invested in continuing the success and prestige of the Megal name.   Strong Relationships: He prioritizes a close bond with his son and likely values strong relationships in general.   Prosperity: While not his sole motivator, Roderman clearly enjoys expanding the family business and achieving financial success.


Roderman Megal


Towards Piwagna Megal

Piwagna Megal


Towards Roderman Megal

Year of Birth
2396 66 Years old
Piwagna Megal (spouse)
Dark green
Short black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Medium build


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