
Personal History

Scritch grew up in the harsh and unforgiving Khorun Desert, where survival depended on wit and resourcefulness. Born into a small pack of jackalweres, he quickly learned the art of scavenging and salvaging from the desert’s many lost caravans and forgotten treasures. One of his proudest moments was pinching a pair of lime green tattered shorts from a traveling merchant's cart, which he now wears as a badge of honor.   Scritch's pack specializes in trading salvaged and scrapped goods, making them well-known merchant traders in the desert. Despite his cute and fluffy appearance, Scritch considers himself tough and capable, often taking on the role of the pack’s scout and negotiator. His cleverness and charm have earned him a reputation as a shrewd trader, and he takes pride in the success and survival of his pack.


Physical descriptions

Appearance & Attire

Scritch is a small but robust jackalwere with fluffy brown fur that offers some protection against the desert’s harsh climate. His yellow eyes are sharp and alert, always on the lookout for opportunities or danger. He sports a pair of red goggles to shield his eyes from the blinding sun, and his large pointed ears help him detect distant sounds in the quiet desert.   His most distinctive piece of clothing is a pair of lime green tattered shorts, which he proudly wears. These shorts, a trophy from a successful heist, are a point of pride for him. Scritch also has a brown nose and a playful demeanor that often makes him appear cuter than he perceives himself to be.


Concealed Items

Scritch carries a small, hidden pouch within his lime green shorts containing various small trinkets and tools, including a set of lockpicks and a few precious gemstones. He also has a concealed knife strapped to his thigh, ready for any unforeseen dangers. Additionally, Scritch keeps a tiny, enchanted amulet hidden under his fur, a gift from his pack's shaman that offers minor protection against magic.


What do they sound like

Scritch’s voice is high-pitched and somewhat raspy, with an energetic and enthusiastic tone. When he speaks, there is a playful lilt to his words, and he often punctuates his sentences with sharp, quick laughs. Despite his small size, his voice carries a surprising confidence, especially when discussing trades or negotiating deals.




Scritch is driven by a desire to prove his worth to his pack and to himself. He wants to be seen as tough and capable, despite his cute appearance. His primary motivation is the survival and prosperity of his pack, and he works tirelessly to ensure they have the resources they need. Scritch also has a passion for discovering new and valuable items in the desert, always on the hunt for the next big find.


Personality Traits

Scritch is clever, resourceful, and fiercely loyal to his pack. He is playful and energetic, often using his charm to win over others. Despite his tough self-image, he has a warm heart and genuinely cares for his pack members. Scritch is also quite curious, always eager to explore and learn more about the world around him.



Scritch’s desire to prove himself can sometimes lead to reckless behavior, putting himself and his pack in danger. His playful nature can be misinterpreted as naivety, leading others to underestimate him. Additionally, his confidence in his scavenging skills can make him overconfident, causing him to take unnecessary risks.



Scritch believes in the importance of loyalty and family, valuing the bonds he shares with his pack above all else. He holds a deep respect for resourcefulness and ingenuity, seeing the ability to make something valuable out of nothing as a true skill. Scritch also values adventure and discovery, constantly seeking to uncover the hidden treasures of the desert.



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