Session 10: Bye bye Sirrai - A descent into Madness Report in Ararim | World Anvil

Session 10: Bye bye Sirrai - A descent into Madness

General Summary

The air crackled with chaotic energy as the battle erupted. One moment, we stood wary but prepared, the next, a fiery maw gaped beneath Mina, swallowing her whole in a demonic embrace. Her screams were replaced by the sickening crunch of a disembodied blue hand dragging her down into the infernal depths. Only a scorched mark and a set of black chains remained - a grim testament to her fate.   We fought like cornered beasts. Duegar and Drow, cloaked as supposed allies, revealed their true colors, their blades dripping with venom. Despair gnawed at our hearts as Solomon succumbed to the drow's insidious toxin. Yet, Yunnie's resolute strike severed the duergar's head, a momentary spark of victory amidst the encroaching darkness.   Bruised and bloodied, we stumbled into the laboratory's control room. A charming, silver-tongued gentleman by the name of Freilich awaited us. He wove a web of deceit with practiced ease, preying on Sirrai's innocence. We stood oblivious, watching on a screen as a fabricated Freilich offered her comfort. Hours melted away, replaced by a disorienting sense of unreality.   Then, the horrifying truth unraveled. Freilich's assistant, his handsome facade shattered, slammed down a potion. In a grotesque transformation, he became a hulking dragonborn, lamenting the mind-altering serum that held us captive. He flung open the doors to the operating theater, only to find our worst fears confirmed. Sirrai lay lifeless, her insides harvested with clinical precision.   Grief and rage battled within us. Zink, his voice tinged with desperation, revealed Freilich's macabre project – the Colme Project. While Zink's vision was noble, Freilich's was a weapon we had already destroyed. A flicker of hope remained. Utilizing salvaged parts from the original project, Zink managed to reanimate Colme. But what emerged was a horrifying question – was it truly Colme, Sirrai, or a monstrous amalgamation of both?   The answer was drowned out by Solomon's anguished roars. Witnessing Sirrai's demise, a primal fury awoke within him. With eyes blazing crimson, he swore vengeance on Freilich - the butcher who stole his light.   The very room seemed to tremble in response. Walls groaned and echoed as Freilich initiated his escape. Zink barked a frantic order to flee. As we retreated, the laboratory descended into chaos. Vials shattered, releasing unknown creatures into the fray. A monstrous form, previously restrained within a colossal tank, broke free, its guttural roar shaking the foundations.   Just as the creature lunged towards us, a figure interposed itself – Colme. We watched, hearts pounding in our chests, as the session came to an abrupt end.   We stand at the precipice of oblivion. Haunted by loss, fueled by rage, we face an uncertain future. Colme stands before us, a potential ally or a terrifying harbinger of doom. The butcher, Freilich, escapes with his monstrous creation. One thing remains certain - vengeance will be ours.

Rewards Granted

A broken runed sword - Solomon
A hollow tip poison dagger - Keyes
Slippers of Spider Climbing - Corrin

Missions/Quests Completed


The Duergar named Kodo had a mark of the black hand a gang in Umcebo
Report Date
07 Mar 2024
Primary Location
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