A Cultivating idea Plot in Ararim | World Anvil

A Cultivating idea

The party have been given their first mission to go and investigate gatherings at the Bloom Bottle Apothecary, flyers have been circulated around Umcebo and one Tridar Stormstep would like it investigated for the good of the city.
Up next
The party return to collect the bounty from Tridar.
Connect Zink with Eirik
Return home
Prior information
The party are aware that the Alliance are a cult of Simic Scientists that stitch humanoid and animals together to create new beings.   The party were charmed by Frelich Chopicy and Sirrai was taken.   Tridar's Tabaxi friend Ylara Stimen is caught up with the Alliance of the Enlightened, which is the alleged cult.   Hypatros Krull is still seeking aid for his severed hand and leg   The Reissara warned against the cult and that they've stolen one of their books.   The party are to report their findings to Tridar Stormstep and the Reissara


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