The Devils Crown


The 4 Pointed Crown, the ultimate council of all evil domain gods, derives its name from the original quartet that epitomized the essence of evil: Shar, the goddess of darkness; Asmodeus, the God of Hell; Achazard, the Primordial of pure emotions; and Sholthak, the Primordial of decay. This sinister assembly was conceived by Asmodeus, who sought to consolidate control and wield unmatched power.
  Initially, Asmodeus faced challenges in courting the primordial powers. Unlike him, the Primordials were driven by their intrinsic natures rather than a thirst for power and planning. Nevertheless, Asmodeus' cunning led him to ally with Shar, the goddess of darkness. With her support, he swiftly subdued Achazard and Sholthak, harnessing their raw, chaotic power to recruit and create more gods aligned with his malevolent vision.
  The gods of good soon recognized the threat posed by this growing force of evil and moved to counter it. This confrontation resulted in the Great Schism, a cataclysmic event that severed the ties between gods and Primordials. Deprived of the Primordials' power, the evil gods were left to rely solely on each other.
  In the aftermath of the Schism, the 4 Pointed Crown evolved, expanding its ranks as more gods of evil domains joined its cause. Eventually, the Crown transformed into the Crowned Council, a court where all evil domain gods could convene to discuss matters of mutual interest and plot their dark designs. Though the council rarely meets in full, its influence remains profound, shaping the malevolent strategies of its members.


The primary objective of the 4 Pointed Crown now known as The Crown is to unify the efforts of all evil domain gods, creating a formidable alliance that can exert influence across the cosmos. This council aims to consolidate power, manipulate events in the mortal and divine realms, and counter the forces of good.
  The Crowned Council serves as a forum for these deities to discuss strategies, share resources, and coordinate their actions. By pooling their collective malevolence, they seek to undermine the efforts of good-aligned deities, spread corruption, and perpetuate chaos. Additionally, the council works to identify and nurture potential new members, expanding their influence and ensuring the continuity of their dark legacy.
  Despite their common goals, the gods within the council are often driven by individual ambitions, leading to internal power struggles and alliances. These dynamics ensure that the council remains a hotbed of intrigue, with each member seeking to outmaneuver the others while maintaining a façade of cooperation.

Uniform or Symbols

Members of the 4 Pointed Crown are distinguished by their unique insignia, representing their allegiance to the council and their individual domains of evil. Each god bears a variation of the crown symbol, typically a four-pointed diadem that symbolizes the original quartet. These crowns are often incorporated into their regalia, whether as part of their armor, robes, or divine sigils.
  The council members also adorn themselves with symbols reflective of their specific domains. For instance, Shar might wear robes adorned with motifs of shadow and night, while Asmodeus could be seen with infernal imagery and hellish flames. These symbols serve both as a display of their power and as a reminder of their commitment to the council’s sinister agenda.
  Artifacts of immense dark power are also common among the members, from staffs that channel necrotic energy to amulets that corrupt the soul. These items not only enhance their abilities but also signify their rank and influence within the council.


The 4 Pointed Crown convenes in the Abyssal Throne, a dark and foreboding citadel located at the nexus of the infernal and shadow realms. This fortress, constructed from obsidian and brimstone, stands as a monument to the malevolence of its occupants. Surrounded by a churning sea of black ichor and wreathed in perpetual twilight, the Abyssal Throne is as imposing as it is impenetrable.
  Within the citadel lies the Chamber of Shadows, the council’s meeting hall. This vast, cavernous space is illuminated by the flickering light of enchanted torches, casting eerie shadows that dance across the walls. At the center of the chamber stands a massive, onyx table carved with ancient runes and sigils of power. Around this table, the members of the Crowned Council gather to plot and scheme, each seat marked with the insignia of its occupant.
  The Chamber of Shadows also features numerous alcoves and secret passages, allowing for private discussions and clandestine meetings. The atmosphere is thick with the palpable tension of ancient rivalries and dark ambitions, making it a place where power is both consolidated and contested.
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