Vat Zutros Character in Ararim | World Anvil

Vat Zutros

Personal History

Vat Zutros, the esteemed leader of the Radain Rhinos, carries with him a wealth of experience and wisdom gained from a lifetime of adventure. Once a monk and cleric, he dedicated himself to the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment and honing his martial prowess before assuming the mantle of leadership within the guild. Vat Zutros' journey has taken him to the farthest reaches of the realm, facing countless perils and emerging as a seasoned veteran.   Vat Zutros is known for his kind and compassionate nature, always seeking to bring out the best in his adventurers. He possesses a keen insight into the potential of his guild members, often seeing their capabilities before they even recognize them within themselves. With a calculated and strategic mindset, he guides and supports his team members, instilling in them the confidence and belief necessary to overcome challenges.   While he takes his responsibilities as a leader seriously, Vat Zutros also possesses a mischievous side. He appreciates the importance of balance in life and understands the power of laughter and lightheartedness to build camaraderie among his guild members. He is not averse to engaging in harmless pranks or enjoying a well-timed jest, fostering a sense of unity and shared joy within the Radain Rhinos.


Physical descriptions

Appearance & Attire

Vat Zutros presents an imposing figure with his tall stature and proud bearing. He possesses pale pink skin, which contrasts strikingly with his sleek, jet-black fur accents that adorn his ears and tail. His sharp Amber eyes exude a sense of intelligence and depth, reflecting the vast experiences he has accumulated throughout his adventuring career.   In his role as the leader of the Radain Rhinos, Vat Zutros dons flowing robes of golden yellow, symbolizing his authority and wisdom. These robes are adorned with intricate black accents, representing the balance between light and darkness that he seeks to maintain within the guild. Despite his formidable presence, Vat Zutros' warm smile and approachable demeanor immediately put others at ease, allowing for open and honest communication within the guild.

What do they sound like

He speaks with a stern curiosity




Vat Zutros is driven by a deep desire to protect the realm and ensure the safety and prosperity of its inhabitants. He sees the Radain Rhinos as not just a guild of adventurers, but as a force for good, a beacon of hope in a world riddled with darkness. His ultimate goal is to create a strong and united guild, where each member can reach their full potential and fulfill their destinies as heroes.

Personality Traits

Kind-hearted and compassionate
Wise and perceptive
Calculated and strategic
Encouraging and supportive
Playful and prone to humor



Can be overly cautious at times
May prioritize the greater good over individual needs
Has a tendency to be too self-sacrificing



Justice: Strives for fairness and righteousness in all endeavors
Balance: Seeks to maintain equilibrium between light and darkness
Growth: Believes in the potential for personal and collective growth
Current Location
Year of Birth
2192 270 Years old
Sparkling Amber
Short black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slender and Muscular
Avandra the Change Bringer
Aligned Organization
Related Plots
Ruled Locations


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