Mina: Opus Opulencia Plot in Ararim | World Anvil

Mina: Opus Opulencia

Opulencia, has landed in hot water due to the potential meddling of her parents, her adventures on hold until the potential scandal related to the Leagues Trials is cleared. The Radain Rhinos, the Xu-Han Kitsuns, and the Aren Pegasus guilds were entangled in a dispute seeking to reverse their trade agreements, creating a complex web of intrigue. For now Mina will continue her training at the Ranch and under the guidance of Sidra and Fenk  
She and her family are found out for tampering with the games - the team is not awarded their signing bonus gold.
Sorvan is meeting with Vat Zutros - regarding the significant gold trading and statistical alterations made.
  The Radain Rhinos are going to appeal the decision, however for now feel that it is not advisable to have Opulencia plan an active role at this moment - until they've been able to smooth this over. She will continue training with Sidra and Fenk at the Ranch till further notice.
Vat Zutros suggests that they go visit the spa to relax until they have a process for moving forward.
  Given the significant gold movements - their Rookie A team may be traded completely to the Xuhan Kitsunes - but the Rhino's would prefer this not to happen.


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