Elf Species in Arbaday, World of the Forgotten | World Anvil
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The ephemeral children of the forests and greenery

Ability Score: Elves are nimble, both in body and mind, but their form is frail. They gain +2 Dexterity, and –2 Constitution. As will as a +2 Intelligence or +2 Wisdom.   Type: Elves are Medium sided Humanoids with the Elf subtype.   Speed: Elves have a base speed of 30 feet, as well as a Climb speed of 20 feet or a Swim speed of 20 feet.   Senses: Elves have Low-Light Vision, therefore can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.   Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects. As well as there only need to rest for 4 hours within a ritual formal. Do it the mana that flows within there blood.   Keen Senses: Elves have some of the best hearing and seen of all of the races, being able to see even Littles things. There receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception and Sense Motive checks.   Elven Magic: Elves have magic as not only part of there world, but as well as part of thereselfs. Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft skill checks, and it is a class skill.   Eternal Grudge: Elves grow up in secluded, isolationist communities where generations-old slights and quarrels linger as eternal blood feuds. Elves have receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoids of the dwarf and orc subtypes because of special training against these hated foes   Fey-Sighted: Elves can see the mana of the world that others only use or have a quick look at. Elves have detect magic as a constant spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to their character level.   Wooded Song: Elves can sing to trees as a minute per 250 GP, and can have them produce any non-magical item they wish. Any item made this way is made of Elvenwood. Elves know the deep secrets of the wild like no others, especially secrets of the forests. Elves with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks. In forest terrain, these bonuses improve to +4 By using the ancient song of the high elves there too have Master the why's of the woods.   Fay Defenses: Elves have DR 5/Cold Iron, do to there connection with the fey.   Bowmasterly: Elves may use there Dexterity to damage with compound bows instead of Strength. Elves have master how to use there speed to maxixe the potential damage for a bow.   One of Two Worlds: Elves can phase partially into the Faywilds as a swift action, for a number of minute equal to 1/2 for there Hit Die. There get a 35% miss chance, and they can ignore all forms of difficult movement.

Basic Information


Elves have roughly human anatomy.

Genetics and Reproduction

As humans, Elves reproduce sexually but the periods of time for which their pregnancies last is about 12 to 15 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elves grow normally and reach full growth around 24, then reach emotional maturity around age 120, which is also when their bodies grow fully to allow them to reproduce as normal.   Elves reach middle age around age 375, hit old age around age 650, and become venerable around age 750 and die shortly thereafter.

Ecology and Habitats

Elves are typically found in forests and jungles, but can be found anywhere.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Elves eat almost exclusively plants and fish. They cannot process fatty meats such as pork and beef.

Biological Cycle

Elves do not show signs of a biological cycle or aging until they hit venerable - then their age very rapidly catches up to them and consumes them.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Elves tend to long and slender faces, with long pointy ears that can reach up to 6' long. Their faces are generally gender-neutral and carry an almost effeminate beauty.

Average Intelligence

Elves are incredibly intelligent when compared to the average human intelligence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elven senses are acutely higher than human average, letting them see well in conditions of low-light. They also have a higher affinity for magic and can keenly sense magic constantly.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Elven names tend to follow the lexicons of french and other "romantic" languages, drawing their names from such languages exclusively.   TBD
Genetic Descendants
750 years
Conservation Status
Elves are the third most populous race in the world, and require no conservation or protection. They can be anywhere but are rare outside of their home territories.
Average Height
Male: 6'4 - 7'6   Female: 6'2 - 7'4
Average Weight
100 - 180lbs
Average Physique
Elves are tall and skinny almost exclusively.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Elven skin and hair runs a spectrum from snow white to dark blue. Their hair and skin are always the same color.
Alternate Racial Traits:   Elf Alternate Racial Traits

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