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Darknoll Manor

Nestled on the hills of the Canopy on the east side of the Great Tree is the Darknoll Ancestral home. This has been the seat of power for the Darknoll family and by extension the Tree-Wrights. It is both an archetectual marvel and in some ways a fortress owing to it's construction methods and materials used in such. However these days it does not see as much use and is only really occupied by the former head of family Caesar Ninian Darknoll in the twilight of his life.  
"See the building with all the weird bits hanging off it up there, that's the Darknoll's place, everyone of them a Tree-wright so each one put their stamp on the buildind and that's what you end up with over 18 centuries of architects... - Former Tree-wright


Much of the original manor has been lost, not because of fire or disaster but simply because a new architect came along and wanted to add their own flavor to the building. It is something of a rite of passage at this point that a new master of the house has a go at changing the manor in some way shape or form. As such the outter appearance has a somewhat deranged look. Multiple turrets that seemingly spring from nowehere a huge glass sphere rests on one of the spires, and multiple porches surround the building each built and constructed differentlt. Somehow though despite the varying styles and construction the building seems to work... at least from the outside.   The interior is a different story entirely, as centuries of building and rebuilding have made the internal structure a nightmare to navigate around. Not a true maze or Labryith by either definition as they have ends and destinations to them instead just the organic process that has evolved over centuries to create a mire of walls, doors and staircases many of which go nowhere, but all constructed beautifully in doing so.  


The building served and continues to serve as the home for the Darknoll family. In addition because of the eclectic and varied style of the building it is one of the places Masters in the Tree-Wrights take students to study the various architecture styles that have evolved over the centuries.  


As mentioned previously the original building if there even is one at this point is buried under centuries of additions and extensions. But the Darknolls have lived in this spot for as long as there has been an Arbor. So while the building may look different it is also a constant along the Arbor skyline.  


Of course with a building as old as this and the Memoria intra objectum present a million rumors fly about all across Arbor however only 2 come with any credibility or a shred of proof  

The Blue Boy

Servants and onlookers alike have reported seeing a blue boy staring out from one of the upper windows and urging them to come up. Of course any attempts to investigate this child have turned up little. Stranger still though is that even for the buildings occupants they can find no way into the room where the boy is supposeduly waving from. Outside access seems to indicate that the room does exist but attempts to find the red door that lead into the room are futile.  

The Lost

This tale is even harder to believe especially with the current and previous head of house but perhaps it is simply an old rumor that has stuck around. Either way the tale is this that on occassion a servant will go missing and while given the houses nature of one of confusion and strange hallways this would not be unexpected, what is unexpected is the that they return weeks later only to have no memory of being missing but having looked as if they had aged several years. Questions about where they have been only really reveal one thing they repeat that they simply got lost for a bit.


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