Snow Domicile

... seek a shelter from the storm in your very own Snow Dome!

"You know what they say; cast boulders break Ice houses."
— uncommon Mystomythian phrase
A typical Snow Globe is a magical device with a limited internal space. Pure Snow Globes, denoted by their clear surface, act as bi-ways. From outside, the contents within appear as forms in light and snow etched upon the surface. The icy exterior absorbs cold energy from the environment, providing a comfortable ambient temperature within the Globe. The interior is gyroscopic, maintaining a stasis despite exterior conditions. The hydrophobic property of Ice provides buoyancy, meaning open water is actively repelled.
Most Snow Globes are small, portable orbs contained within a leather bag or silk pouch. As long as the bag is allowed to breath, living creatures can be contained within. For this reason, Snow Globes found a purpose in the Mystomythian's construction of elaborate villages, known as Snow Domiciles.

Purpose & Defense

Snow Globe Housing- Miracle of Magic

Snow Domiciles, made from enchanted Magical Ice using Verdamancy, Macromancy, and Metamancy Disciplines, serve as safe bi-ways. By attuning to the Domicile, one gains entry, creating rooms and structures inside with wood and stone.
These homes, sufficient for small families, often had compartments for each member and were sometimes built on large platforms with steps or ladders, influencing later Mystomythian architecture with Snow Domes atop the buildings.

Inside, snow constantly drifts, occasionally forming new Magical Ice formations- a rare occurence. Though the interior stays just above freezing, it can be warmed using Pink Ice or Sauna Stones. To view inside, outsiders must speak a special command word, revealing the figures etched on the globe's surface.
The Magical Ice remains stable in the cold, melting only under extreme heat, turning into "Myst"- Magical Ice bonded with moisture in the air. While many Snow Domicile ruins have been found, no skeletal remains exist, leading to the belief that those who die within become one with the Magical Ice.

Snow Place Like Dome

Snow Dome


Compartment of Vehicle

Blue Ice

Alchemical ID

  • Hydrophobic "Ice"
  • Absorbs Cold Energy
  • Repels Aqua (Water)

Material Base Cost
TBD Casho

Snow Globe

Magical Orb for Storage

Author Bio
Hello! My name is "Myth Cross"- enthusiast of Art, Music, Games, & Stories; an aspiring Game Dev, Writer & World- Builder! I've made these my Life's passion!   My mission is to write enchanting and compelling Stories that people can interact with!   Epic Sagas! Living through Love & Experience!   "Arc Sagas" is my 1st Step towards those Goals!   This is a Legacy Project that has seen over 10 years of development! Progress on the Video Game led me to seek World Anvil as a Platform! Now, I spend much of my time developing content and expanding the setting here! You're invited to join along! I'm always happy to meet new Writers & World-Builders!   I'm the Founder of "Story-Teller's Circle"- a Discord server specialized and dedicated to a vibrant & inspiring community of self-driven WA Writers & World-Builders! We support each other's goals and celebrate the milestones of our fellow Authors, encourage others to share their work, to seek publishing and promotional opportunities, and otherwise provide a safe, friendly environment for developing ideas & embracing your own talents!   "Story-Teller's Circle" is dedicated to fostering the next Generation of Fantasy Writers, right here on World Anvil! Discover new Worlds, expand your Horizons, and make a new friend! Share your experience and enrich others! This is the essence of the Story-Teller's dynamic! We are not a Chapter of WA, despite the rumors- so anyone can join!



Author's Notes

7th Article for Summer Camp. This is an expansion on an idea I presented back in February- the Snow Globe! It's like a primitive Bag of Holding! Since I brought it up, yes you can place one of these containers safely inside each other or the magic bag! No tricky implosions and explosions here! You can't even submerge it, since it repels water! So this is a really neat idea for housing!

They also carried these as personal items, so I thought that was pretty neat! Honestly, a Snow Domicile is suitable for the "Item for Protection" item as well, since you can safely hide within!

Still haven't determined EXACTLY what happens when one of these shatters! As with each SC Article, I'll return here once more when I'm not so pressed!

Hope you enjoy!


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