Bede Sleds

... hit the icy slopes! Defy the Ice Age and clear the cold lands! Grab your Bede!

"If you're going to travel the icy lands, why not take one of my Bedes? She'll get you there in comfort and style! Just make sure you wear some good boots! We have those too!"
— a Myth Folk Bede salesman
While Snowshoes were commonly used to maintain traction on ice and snow, they required constant maintenance. The inventive Myth Folk created the first Ice Skates, a tool similar to Snowshoes but constructed with Blue Ice. Although bulkier, these skates, when kept in cool environments, significantly increased overland speed. Ice Boards soon followed, enabling riders to glide effortlessly over snow and icy dunes, limited only by their endurance. While these were effective for pilgrims, the Mystomythians still needed a means to transport goods. These simple tools paved the way for a revolutionary new vehicle.
The Bede Sled evolved from the use of one to three Ice Boards. Often equipped with a sail or studs, particularly in the single-board design, the Bede Sled was primarily self-driven. The more complex two- and three-board models utilized Myricorns as mounts. Floating above the ice or snow, the Bede Sled allowed travelers to cover incredible distances with minimal effort. Drivers controlled the light vehicle by kicking against the ground and leaning into turns. While Snowshoes and Ice Skates remained popular, the Bede Sled changed the way the Myth Folk interacted with the natural landscape of the Ice Age.

Manufacture & Production

Sled Frame & Designs

First, a cart frame is constructed of wood and poles. Bede Sleds are crafted from Magical Ice, smoothed with wet rocks and scribed with an Enchanter's Sodor. Designs use one to four Ice Boards, with a flat sheet pinned to the cart's bottom using wet, wooden pins. Ice Board runners are attached and bound to the sled, forming a U-Shape around the cart's body. The Bede Sled is driven from the front and center. Padding and seating are added for comfort.

The cart's body is made from wooden plates or Dragon Turtle shells, creating a front cavity. Cargo space or extra seating can be added to the sides. Runners are attached to the front if the vehicle uses mounts. Drivers need space to kick the ground for steering, with footpedals serving as emergency brakes and steering pads.

Early designs catered to various needs. The Lucci Bede, for single occupants, allows the driver to use their knees while lying down. The Aero Bede features a sail or "Ice" rudder, favoring mobility. The Poto Bede, ideal for traders, emphasizes cargo space but often requires mounts, depending upon the load.

Armor & Defense

Bede Sleds and Lucci Bede were popularized in skirmish war-fare where the Lucci Bede performed admirably as a mobile unit. Able to skim across the ice and into the heart of enemy territory, the Lucci Bede could break and infiltrate enemy lines. The key was armor plating made from the Dragon Turtle, which protected drivers from slings, stones, and spears. Many later adaptations featured arsenals, such as lances and quiver slots.

Another key function of the sled was that it also functioned as a safe shell against the cold environment. A tent could be formed around the Bede, creating a small space for camping. Drawn within, T- Bottan Studded Bedding was often found, warming the feet of the driver when not pedaling the sled. After long hours of overland travel, the driver can sleep inside the cart's cavity. This momentary refuge also provided security against blizzards, dust storms, and rain, concealing the driver and guests in comfort.

Myth Folk merchants and noblemen were able to afford special compartments in their Bede Sleds which included one Snow Globe. These special orbs allowed the Mystomythians to not only store extra items in their sleds, but it also allowed them to have a safe refuge when the weather was too bad for travel. Inside the space of a Snow Globe, temperature remains a constant above freezing. Warmer than the cold environment, these compartments could provide a measure of security to traveling Mystomythians.


Hold on to your Bede!

Bede Sled


Vehicle Type

Overland Cart


Item Category
Item Dimensions
  • Length: 5-9 Un
  • Width: 3-6 Un
  • Weight: 40-130 UB Varies
Unit Reference
"Units" are measurements, defined by length, width, and weight. A whole Unit is denoted with an "Un" and represents 1 whole measured "Unit" (equivalent to the average length of a forearm). A "Micro-Unit" is denoted with a "Um" in measurements and is the size of an index finger bone. 10 Micro-Units make 1 Un. To measure weight, Unit Burden is calculated relative to the weight of an adult fist. Total Units are measured using decimals.


  • Enchanter's Sodor
  • Base & Frame
  • Source of Water
  • Smooth Stones, Mallet
  • Studs, Poles
  • Blue Ice
  • Wood & Plate
  • Binds, Ropes
  • Wood Pins
  • Cloth, Padding, Tarps (Sail)
  • Shell (Optional)

Blue Ice

Alchemical ID

  • Hydrophobic "Ice"
  • Absorbs Cold Energy
  • Repels Aqua (Water)

Material Base Cost
TBD Casho

Author Bio
Hello! My name is "Myth Cross"- enthusiast of Art, Music, Games, & Stories; an aspiring Game Dev, Writer & World- Builder! I've made these my Life's passion!   My mission is to write enchanting and compelling Stories that people can interact with!   Epic Sagas! Living through Love & Experience!   "Arc Sagas" is my 1st Step towards those Goals!   This is a Legacy Project that has seen over 10 years of development! Progress on the Video Game led me to seek World Anvil as a Platform! Now, I spend much of my time developing content and expanding the setting here! You're invited to join along! I'm always happy to meet new Writers & World-Builders!   I'm the Founder of "Story-Teller's Circle"- a Discord server specialized and dedicated to a vibrant & inspiring community of self-driven WA Writers & World-Builders! We support each other's goals and celebrate the milestones of our fellow Authors, encourage others to share their work, to seek publishing and promotional opportunities, and otherwise provide a safe, friendly environment for developing ideas & embracing your own talents!   "Story-Teller's Circle" is dedicated to fostering the next Generation of Fantasy Writers, right here on World Anvil! Discover new Worlds, expand your Horizons, and make a new friend! Share your experience and enrich others! This is the essence of the Story-Teller's dynamic! We are not a Chapter of WA, despite the rumors- so anyone can join!



Author's Notes

3rd Article for Summer Camp- a fun little vehicle used for getting across the Ice Age! I can imagine it in my game being something that ignores harsh terrains, as long as those terrains are cold or frozen in nature. Unique means of overland travel often makes for interesting in-betweens; whether it's at the Table or on console games. There is more that I can say about this vehicle, but I need to hasten if I want that lustry Diamond Badge!

And yes, it works like the Flintstones x D They use their feet to control the vehicle, like a skate board or a pair of skis. That fact was just a little extra bonus when writing this LOL! Happy day and good prompt writing to you!


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