T- Bottan Studded Bedding

... enjoy a peaceful night's sleep in even the coldest environment- quilted comfort!

"Picks you up as it puts you down."
man of many words, Bub Stubbs

Tundra Bottan & synthesized Icing Silk are both well-known for two things: retaining heat and deflecting moisture. While it doesn't harm the organic, this gives these materials amazing properties in cold-weather environments. While Tundra Bottan has always been used for bedding, the Myth Folk traders invented an unusual new bedding, which became covetted quickly.
Tundra Bottan Bedding features the craftsmanship of supple Tundra Bottan cloth swaths and fibers with the ultra-soft and durable material, Icing Silk. With masterfully woven thread-counts, combined, this is an air-tight yet breathable material with flexibility. It favors both tight sleeping bags and loose quilts. The T-Bottan Studded Bedding offers an extra level of comfort- heated stones.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Weighing anywhere between 20-30 Ub this heavy blanket folds compactly and can be stored in tight compartments despite its bulk. Once it has been unfurled, it wraps around the owner like warm, comforting embrace. The heated stones are enchanted with "Pink Ice" glyphs that can be commanded to control the ambient degree of the blanket to the owner's preference.
The Owner is protected from exposure to cold conditions, but only while sleeping or resting (short or long rest). The user may sleep peacefully, even in a Blizzard, without concern.

An advanced, functional version of Armor was once crafted by the Myth Folk. It was crafted in a similar manner to the T-Bottan Studded Bedding, and protected the user from exposure to cold weather environments. These clothes were the height of fashion and functionality for Myst & Myth Folk, often fastened with a Deichi Onion in the belt for good luck.

History & Significance

Myth Folk merchants and nomads were the first to develop the idea, along with the Sauna Stone. Demand for both the heated rocks and the incredibly lavish blankets, as well as the technique for creating them, made traders incredibly wealthy with bartering goods. Some believe the supply and demand of these clothing items were among the first items of mutual and valuable trade amongst the Mythos Folk.

Unfortunately, the means to craft these extravagant blankets were lost when the Mythos Folk were abandoned by the Nevrasenephr, at the beginning of the Saurian Age.

Legends & Myths: "Coat of Consensus

Though only tatters remain of the Coat of Consensus, an ancient legend tells of a harmony that grew between the Mythos Folk (Myst & Myth Folk), over the construction of a large T-Bottan Quilt. Emblazoned with bold colors (blue, pink, gold, white, and grey), as well as the Clan crests and insignias of the Falc'ed runic script, this blanket was said to stretch for 100's of Un. Able to foster a whole community beneath its weight, many believe that this item was a huge Studded Blanket. Pieces of the remnants have been analyzed with no conclusive evidence, but one thing is for sure:

" A blanket the size of the Coat of Consensus must've held some huge slumber parties! Can you imagine the excitement of a Dream Theater ceremony? The Mythos Folk activate Mist-Veil Lanterns & sleep beneath the bands of the aurora borealis all night! Underneath the snow and the press of a soft community blanket. OH! The laughter and camaraderie I'm sure those people shared! Living their nights beneath the twin moons! I'm sure it was as lovely as it was thrilling!" Elsie found herself staring into Rand's eyes, wrapped snug in her own bedding, as she described her passionate feelings for an excerpt from the Folk Lore.

"You're doing it again," Rand sighed, exasperated. "I'll never sleep with your bed time romances."

"Shut up!" Elsie exclaimed from across the room! Flustered, "It isn't like that! Don't mistake my romantic passions for Mythologia for your vulgarities! This is why I couldn't marry you... no romance! Ruined our honeymoon..." Elsie said with a wink before returning to her dreamy blustering.

"Yea, yea..." Rand rolled over. The bed on his side of the co-ed was chilly. Be a lot warmer with that blanket she's rambling about. Of course, I'd sleep sound if she'd stop reading aloud.
~ conversation, guild cadets, Dungeoneers, Elsie Mylee Gates & Rand Aleclier

Item Type
Bed & Padding


Item Category
Sleeping Bag
Item Dimensions
  • Length: 6.5-12 Un
  • Width: 4- 7.5 Un
  • Weight: 20-30 Ub

Unit Reference
"Units" are measurements, defined by length, width, and weight. A whole Unit is denoted with an "Un" and represents 1 whole measured "Unit" (equivalent to the average length of a forearm). A "Micro-Unit" is denoted with a "Um" in measurements and is the size of an index finger bone. 10 Micro-Units make 1 Un. To measure weight, Unit Burden is calculated relative to the weight of an adult fist. Total Units are measured using decimals.



Rarity Rare
Minas, Majas Polas
Demographic: Mythos Folk

Base Price
TBD Casho



Mythic Epoch Ritual

Coat of Consensus


  • Ao & Mystendr, deities
  • Onagi & Vavaya, deities
  • Pradei & the 7 Nephrei, deities
  • Mythos Folk, sentient species
  • Giant Folk, sentient species
  • Folk Lore, document
  • Falc Idros, condition
  • Folk Crests & Flags, cultural item
  • Iceshard Compass, unique tool
  • Folk Language & Music, language
  • Mystic Oar, weapon & tool
  • Think Point, legendary weapon
  • Ice Core, magical tool
  • Mist-Veil Lantern, magical tool
  • Snow Globe, magical container
  • Chillweave Prosthetic, magical graft
  • Icing S. String Harp, m. instrument
  • Mythos Society, organization
  • Mythologian, profession
  • Alchemical "Ice",alchemical material
  • Chillweave, enchantment material
  • Icing Silk, craft material
  • Mythic Sauna Stone, craft material
  • Tundra Bottan, craft material
  • T-Bottan Studded Bedding, condition
  • Icing Orb-Weaver, species
  • Misty Mountains, location
  • Orion's Band, location
  • Broamede, vehicle
  • Boba Ert, vehicle
  • Nevrasenephr, vehicle


Mentioned Articles


Elsie Mylee Gates
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Unique Material

Icing Silk
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Tundra Bottan
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"Soft, supple T-Bottan!"

Cultural Item

Mythos Folk Crests & Flags
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Author Bio
Hello! My name is "Myth Cross"- avid enthusiast of Art, Music, Games, & Stories; also, an aspiring Author, Game Developer, & World- Builder with over 15 years dedicated to the crafts!

My mission is to push the boundaries of interactive Story-Telling! Whether exploring Hidden Realms or seeking Epic Adventures, you'll find me there! My hopes are to invite readers into a World of unforgettable experience!

"Arc Sagas" is my 1st Step towards those Goals!

I'm also the Founder of "Story-Teller's Circle"- a Discord server specialized and dedicated to a vibrant & inspiring community of self-driven WA Writers & World-Builders!! We support each other's goals and celebrate the milestones of our fellow Authors, encourage others to share their work, to seek publishing and promotional opportunities, and otherwise provide a safe, friendly environment for developing ideas & embracing your own talents! We don't boast- we Celebrate!

"Story-Teller's Circle" is dedicated to fostering the next Generation of Fantasy Writers, right here on World Anvil! Discover new worlds, unlock hidden truths, and explore the heights of your own boundless imagination- with friends!

We are looking for new members! If you're interested, just lmk below! It's my pleasure to make your acquaintance!

Best of Good Luck, World-Builders! Let's meet again! : D



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